Tax Evasion
The corruption ranking that could affect your mortgage
New Zealand has been too complacent for too long about our reputation for honesty, and now we're on a downward slide in international perception. Audio
Eric Watson’s Cullen Group ordered to pay $112m to IRD
The High Court has confirmed high profile businessman Eric Watson's company Cullen Group must pay its $112 million bill to IRD after it set up an elaborate structure to avoid paying tax. Audio
Home detention for accountant who evaded $1m in tax
An Auckland accountant has been sentenced to a year's home detention for evading $1.04 million in tax and fraudulently claiming $85,000 in GST refunds.
Trump under pressure after Cohen's plea, Manafort's conviction
The White House and the US President Donald Trump are trying to head off the pressure after yesterday's explosive court appearance of Mr Trump's former long-time lawyer Michael Cohen. As part of plea… Audio
Insight: Money Laundering in NZ
New anti-money laundering regulations have come into effect. But some question if they will make any difference. Jeremy Rose investigates money laundering in New Zealand and the attempts to counter… Audio
Government introduces multinational tax legislation
The Government says a crackdown on multinationals should generate an extra $200 million in tax revenue. Yesterday it introduced legislation aimed at stopping multinationals avoiding tax by shifting… Audio
Cash jobs earn plasterer home detention
Dodging nearly $200,000 in tax by doing cash jobs has landed an Auckland tradesman eight months' home detention.
Auckland restaurateur jailed for tax evasion
An Auckland restaurateur has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for evading $787,996 in tax.
NZ tax reputation should be helped by Shewan report
The country's international standing as a partner in the global campaign against tax evasion should be enhanced by the proposed changes to the foreign trust regime, according to a tax expert. Audio
White collar crime does pay- latest research
Tax evasion costs the New Zealand economy thirty times more than benefit fraud. Audio
Messi appears in court on tax evasion charges
Lionel Messi said he knew nothing about an alleged tax evasion scheme when he signed contracts related to image rights.
UK correspondent Jon Dennis
Jon Dennis on the outfall for David Cameron and George Osborne from the Panama papers and plans for a law to prosecute those aiding tax evasion. Audio
Wealth Management researcher on Panama Papers
As the ripples from the biggest leak in journalistic history continue to spread, academic Brooke Harrington - who spent the better part of a decade investigating wealth management - says the… Audio
Fraudster Swney's fall complete
Alex Swney is in jail tonight for four million dollars of fraud and tax evasion, occasioned, he says, by feeling underpaid. Inland Revenue's Graham Tubb joins us. Audio
Jailed Swney says being underpaid led to fraud
The sacked head of Auckland's downtown promotion agency, who was jailed today, says he committed more than four million dollars of fraud and tax evasion because he felt underpaid. Audio
Swney admits $1.8 million tax evasion
Alex Swney sprinted from the Auckland District Court this morning after changing his plea to guilty on tax evasion spanning twelve years. Audio
The cost of economic crime
A draft government report obtained by Radio New Zealand estimates the cost of economic crime to the New Zealand economy is between $6.1 billion and $9.4 billion each year. Guests this hour to discuss… Audio