Set yourself up for a luxurious sleep with these 5 tips
A good night's sleep has become such a luxury that weary wellness-seekers are now jetting to special resorts just to drift off in style. Sleep researcher Dr Charlotte Gupta has 5 tips for creating an… Audio
Screen time before bed isn't as bad as we thought
According to a new worldwide review of evidence, "blue light" before bed doesn't seem to have a significant impact on sleep. Audio
Sleep Position Secrets: How You Sleep Affects Your Health
On your side, your back or your front - the position in which you nod off is having an impact on your health. Audio
The mystery of how godwits sleep in flight
Kuaka bar-tailed godwits make the longest non-stop flights, and researchers are using hi-tech tags to solve the mystery of how and when they sleep. Audio
Our Changing World – Can godwits fly and sleep?
Kuaka godwits make the longest non-stop flights, and researchers are using hi-tech tags to solve the mystery of how and when they sleep. Audio
Sleep easy: expert tips for a good night’s kip
In celebration of World Sleep Day today we've gathered some expert tips for a good night's kip.
Could mouth taping solve your snoring problem?
Dreaming of taping a snorer’s mouth shut? Struggling to snooze? Stacey Morrison finds out if mouth taping, sleep syncing and the latest apps and technology could be the secret to getting a good… Audio
The upsides of sleeplessness
Before 2020, writer Annabelle Abbs was accustomed to a bit of "gentle insomnia" every night. But after the deaths of her stepfather, father and a family puppy in quick succession, sleep became a thing… Audio
Dr Sanja Jelic: The link between sleep and heart health
A new report has highlighted what happens in the body if we cut short our sleep - even over a short period. Sanja Jelic is the director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at Columbia and professor of… Audio
Can sculpture help you sleep at night?
Wellington artist Bailee Lobb has had a "combative" relationship with sleep her whole life. In the upcoming performance-installation How do you sleep at night? she'll use a range… Audio
Roxanne Prichard: When sleep eludes you
We've all experienced those nights at one time or another, when sleep just won't come. Lying awake worrying about things we often have no control over that can doubtless best wait until the light of… Audio
Sleeping on the job
We all get some – but are you getting enough? Claire Concannon investigates the science of sleep and meets a pilot-turned-sleep-researcher helping the aviation industry ensure crew on long-haul… Audio
Our Changing World – Sleep
Claire Concannon meets a pilot-turned-sleep-researcher who is helping Air New Zealand deal with fatigue management on its long Auckland to New York route. Audio
How daylight can improve your sleep and mood
One of the best things we can do for our sleep cycle – and therefore mental health – is head outside for 30 minutes of daily daylight, says world-leading neurobiology researcher Anna Wirz-Justice… Audio
Parents should slow down on sleep training for the sake of baby's brain
Tired parents hoping to train newborns to sleep through the night need to adjust their expectations, parenting expert and neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis says. Audio
Science: Bedtime procrastination, 'splash-free' urinal
Science commentator Laurie Winkless joins Kathryn with three quirky recent studies: procrastinating before bedtime might be bad for you, the tiny jelly-fish relative that jets through water and… Audio
The key role morning light plays in our health
A lack of sunshine means your immune system doesn't work as well, and your defence mechanisms suffer similarly. Professor Steve Jones explains the role light plays in our health, and why we need to go… Audio
Dogs may mourn the loss of other household pets
Nearly 90 percent of dogs that experienced the death of another canine companion living in the same house showed signs of grief, according to a new study published in Scientific Reports..Professor… Audio
The Panel with Anjum Rahman and Steve McCabe (Part 2)
Panellists Anjum Rahman and Steve McCabe discuss World Sleep Day, calls to make public transport free, and the spiralling cost of vegetables. Audio
How understanding your sleep type could change your life
What is your sleep type? Bear, Lion or Wolf?. Olivia Arezzolo is one of Australia's go-to sleep experts and her book, Bear Lion or Wolf aims to help people understand their sleep type. She says this… Audio