The positive meaning of words
Recent research has found that words spelled with more letters on the right of the keyboard are associated with more positive emotions than words spelt with more letters on the left. Audio
Science News report on the demise of words
New research examining the frequency of words used in books for more than 200 years reveals the rise and demise of them through time, and how social, technological and political change influences… Audio
New Zealand English: It's Creative Edge
Dr. Dianna Bardsley, Director of the New Zealand Dictionary Centre at Victoria University of Wellington. Audio
2012 - Sir Paul Callaghan and Hon. Luamanuvao Winnie Laban
In the 2012 instalment of the annual Waitangi Rua Rautau Lecture series, Professor Sir Paul Callaghan and Associate Professor Hon. Luamanuvao Winnie Laban explore Pakeha and Samoan perspectives about… Audio
Youth Language
Linguist Professor Miriam Meyerhoff of the Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics at the University of Auckland on young people and trends in how they use language. Audio
Nek Minnit, 2011's munted
A poll on the Public Address website has declared "munted" the word of the year. Audio
Bernard Spolsky: saving languages
World-renowned linguist who was keynote speaker at a recent symposium focusing on the survival of Maori and Pasifika languages. Audio
Feature Guest - Dr Francine "Penny" Patterson
Dr Patterson is the President, Director of Research and co-founder of the Gorilla Foundation. Koko the gorilla can communicate with her human carers using sign language. Penny has worked with Koko for… Audio
Art or Echo - Can Culture be Translated?
English writer Anthony Burgess once said, "Translation is not a matter of words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture." Amelia Nurse talks to Jean Anderson, director of the NZ… Audio
Science with David Haywood
Why do French words sound romantic and German words sound aggressive? Audio
Scrabble words
Two official bibles of the world of Scrabble- updated and definitive lists of each and every word you can play- have just come out. There's nearly 3000 new words - from Facebook to wagyu - but still… Audio
Research shows limitations for phonics reading method
New research suggests teaching children to read by the phonic method -- where words are sounded out bit by bit -- could leave the students worse off in the long term. Audio
Mother of all languages
A New Zealand biologist has caused a worldwide sensation with his claims that he has discovered the origin of human language. Dr Quentin Atkinson is a post doctoral researcher at Auckland University… Audio
Paul Warren - Slip Of The Ear
Speech perception is the combination of responses a person has when listening to someone else speaking, and the processing of those sounds. How does it all work? Chris talked to Associate Professor… Audio
Professor of linguistics at Victoria University, Janet Holmes
The world of cursing, swearing and expletives. Audio
Place names: Southland
Invercargill, Gore, Bluff, Takitimu Mountains, Riverton Aparima, Raiura Stewart Islands, Bush names: with Peter Dowling, revising editor of AW Reed's 'Place Names of New Zealand'. Audio
Insight, Sunday 9 January: Speaking Mandarin
Sally Round investigates the push for more Mandarin speakers in New Zealand. Audio
"Viral" tops list of words to be banished in 2011
Are you sick of people saying you should "man up" or telling you that they'll "Facebook you later"? Audio