Invasive Species
Our Changing World – Redback spider trap
Australian redback spiders found their way to New Zealand in the 1980s.
These dangerously venomous spiders are now found in Central Otago and New Plymouth, where they pose a risk to both people and… Audio
Fall armyworm fight gearing up
The fight against the fall armyworm has stepped around Aotearoa. Ashley Mills from the Foundation for Arable research speaks to Jesse about their co-ordinated efforts to deal with the pest. Audio
Gorsebusting: volunteers ghosting an invasive weed in Okarito
A West Coast volunteer project to rid a lagoon of an invasive weed, is bringing people and businesses together across New Zealand. Okarito Lagoon is swamped by gorse. It's threatening biodiversity… Audio
Call to action on pest moth plant
Environmental groups are urging New Zealanders to tackle the invasive moth plant now. Areas. Annette Mitchell is a member of the Upper Waitemata Ecology Network and the Environmental Weed Coalition… Audio
Our Changing World - The pine-fighting fungus
Katy Gosset finds out about a native fungus that could help slow the spread of invasive wilding pines. Audio
The cutting-edge technology that could take the sting out of summer
Wasps are a plague every summer, the unwelcome harasser at your picnic or tramping rest stop. Kathryn talks to Gemma McLaughlin, a PhD candidate at Otago University, who's at the forefront of efforts… Audio
Invasive: the story of Stewart Smith
Between the 1960s and late 2000s Stewart Smith went on a one-man crusade, releasing thousands of invasive fish into New Zealand’s rivers, lakes and streams. In this episode of Black Sheep, we… Audio
Expert Feature: Professor Carolyn King - invasive mammals
High-profile ecologist, Professor Carolyn King, says New Zealand's Predator Free 2050 goal is feasible, but has voiced concerns about the possible use of gene drives as a means of achieving it. Audio, Gallery
Tackling the summer spike in invasive wasps
January and February are when invasive wasp populations boom, damaging the native eco-system. New Zealand has some of the highest densities of German and common wasps in the world which present a huge… Audio
Myrtle rust - its impact in NZ and Australia
Myrtle rust is having a profound impact on native plants and ecosystems in Australia - what will its effect be on New Zealand forests? Audio
Our Changing World for Thursday 19 April
It's been a year since myrtle rust arrived in New Zealand - what impact is is having, and what we can learn from Australia and Hawaii's experiences with this invasive plant killer. Audio
Alex Pressman: making money from seaweed
Alex Pressman is turning an invasive marine pest into a business. His company, Waikaitu, takes an invasive species of seaweed, wakame (undaria pinnatifida) and turns it into fertiliser, food and even… Audio
Tsunami debris carries marine life from Japan to the US
Nearly 300 species of fish and invertebrates have crossed the Pacific Ocean on floating debris since the 2011 earthquake. Audio
Black twig borer causing havoc in Cook Islands
The Cook Islands Minister of Agriculture wants immediate action to curb the impact of invasive species. Audio
New Zealand leads world in island conservation
A new study shows that getting rid of invasive mammals from islands has an enormous positive benefit for rare native species. Audio
Keeping the Killers
Does eradicating invasive predators actually make things worse for native wildlife? With Tim Doherty of the Centre for Ecosystem Management, a PhD candidate at Edith Cowan University in Western… Audio
Invasive Plants – Predicting How Bad They Will Be
A new study suggests a way of predicting how invasive plant species might be when moved to a new country Audio
Global Ranking for Invasive Alien Species
An international group of experts have suggested a new way of ranking invasive aliens by environmental impact to produce 'Black Lists' Audio
Insight for 4 March 2012 - Didymo
Philippa Tolley investigates whether the invasive alga Didymo is still a threat to the North Island. Audio