Insurance companies raked over coals in damning FMA report
Sixteen insurance companies have been cited for a variety of unethical practices, including charging customers for expired policies, selling policies people can't legally use, and not properly… Audio
Insurance payouts for extreme weather events hit $226m for 2018
It's been the second most expensive year in half a century for insurers
Consumers should be wary of unnecessary breakdown insurance
Car buyers are being warned-off mechanical breakdown insurance when buying a new set of wheels. Consumer New Zealand says the insurance is heavily promoted by dealers and could add more than… Audio
Cottage industry in quake damaged homes emerges
Entrepreneurs have been buying up uninsurable quake damaged homes in Christchurch, fixing them up so they can be insured again and selling them on, often for a tidy profit. Video, Audio
NZ ranked second riskiest country in global insurance study
The Insurance Council says premiums are not likely to rise, on the back of an international report ranking New Zealand as the second riskiest country in the world, behind Bangladesh. Audio
New Canterbury earthquake help hub opens
The government is hoping a new one-stop shop will help homeowners in Canterbury still struggling with insurance claims, but as Logan Church reports, this isn't the first initiative of its kind in the… Video, Audio
Storm damage: Should we re-think coastal living?
Two massive storms causing destruction in the US and parts of Asia are prompting climate scientists to call for a re-think about coastal living. Audio
Delayed insurance leaves Kaikōura business with $50k repair bill
What can you do if you purchase a building, your insurance is delayed, and then an earthquake strikes? Audio
Delayed insurance leaves Kaikōura business with $50k bill
Nearly two years after the 7.8 earthquake, a Kaikoura business owner has been left with a broken shop and a $50,000 repair bill because of insurance delays. Video, Audio
Insurance again: how to make it better for customers
Continuing the discussion about insurance, we've had a number of responses from listeners since we raised the issue last week. Audio
Sick kiwi woman in Bali will come home
National leader Simon Bridges says he's arranged for kiwi woman Abby Hartley to be flown home once she's well enough to travel. Audio
Money Week: Katrina Shanks on financial resilience
September 3 marks the start of Money Week organised by the Commission for Financial Capability. This year the focus is on how we could weather a financial shock such as losing a job or long-term… Audio
What exactly is a "pre-existing condition"?
Abby Hartley lies gravely ill in a Balinese hospital, and her insurance company is refusing to help because her illness stemmed from a pre-existing condition. Southern Cross travel insurance chief… Audio
Report forecasts future of weather-related insurance claims
New research by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research has examined the impact on EQC of weather related flood claims. Wild weather has seen Earthquake Commission pay out nearly 300 million dollars… Audio
Insurance giant raises premiums for disaster-prone areas
New Zealand's biggest insurance company IAG is raising home insurance prices in areas at the greatest risk from natural disasters.
Are the days of free windscreen replacements over?
Since the dawn of motor insurance in New Zealand, broken windscreens have been replaced free of charge. But that's now been jeopardised by new, hi-tech windscreens which can cost in the… Audio
Free vehicle windscreen replacements on the way out?
New Zealand drivers are at risk of losing their free vehicle glass insurance cover because of new, smarter and more expensive cars. Audio
Insurer defends big quake risk insurance hike
Tower Insurance is defending big premium hikes for some houses in quake-prone areas, and intends to include other hazards such as flood risk. Audio
Insurance increases could encourage competition
Tower Insurance has defended its new risk based pricing model for home owners, saying it affects only a small number of policy holders. The company said it was now charging more for properties in… Audio
Why your house could cost more to insure than your neighbour
Home owners may end up paying thousands more for insurance premiums than the house next door, as insurance firms increasingly use technology that assesses an individual property's risk. Audio