Trees help combat erosion on Hurunui hill country
There's often little that can be done to prevent erosion of farmland, but the roots which grow from trees like willow and poplar are one way to help secure land that is at risk of slipping and… Audio
Long Read: The straight and narrow
By Bill Morris: Ploughing-the epitome of the colonial 'civilising' of land-is as fundamental to this country's history as war and rugby. Perhaps it's not surprising that we make a sport out of it. Audio
Geodata is bolstering coastal resilience for Pacific nations
Geodata is bolstering coastal resilience for Pacific nations. Audio
Trees needed to help protect people from deluges
Tree's are an important tool for our cities to be resilient when it comes to heavy rain. Mark Lockhart is a landscape architect, board member of The Tree Council, and involved with Mana Rakau. He… Audio
Silt: an explainer
There's tonnes of silt smothering the East Coast right now in badly hit flood areas. But what is it? Professor Troy Baisden principal investigator at Te Punaha Matatini Centre of Research Excellence… Audio
Science surf report
Surfers! Science has some news for you. Research released this morning projects waves to get taller along the west coast, and shorter on the east. To explain this futher, Dr João Albuquerque from the… Audio
Forager of the foreshore: mudlarking on the River Thames
There was a time when Mudlark-artist Nicola White was part of the high-pressure banking world in London, but she reached a point in her life when she wanted to do something she was really passionate… Audio
Trees, Trees, Trees
Willy and Kelsi Haenga's Gisborne-based business, FarmCare, is plugging a gap helping busy farmers plant trees to keep waterways clean and stop erosion. Audio
Hawke's Bay councils work together to face coastal erosion
Hawke's Bay councils say they've got to stop the squabbling over funding to fix coastal erosion.
They're planning to bring in a QC or retired judge to figure out how they can get the money to stop… Audio
Beachfront residents left in the dark over erosion plan
Wainui residents say they feel left in the dark over Gisborne District Council's management of erosion at the beachside settlement.
Why aren't we encouraging more rain water harvesting?
With water restrictions being placed on Auckland and Northland due to drought, should urban dwellers be storing rainwater for irrigation and non-potable use when the weather gets dry? Audio
'We're entering a new phase of earthquakes in New Zealand'
Author Matthew Wright has looked back at New Zealand's history with earthquakes and where we stand with them today. The result is his new book, Living on Shaky Ground: The science and story behind New… Audio
The race to unearth history in the Hauraki Gulf
The race is on in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf, where storms and sea swells are threatening an important Maori archaeological site on Otata in the Noises Group of islands. The landowners and local Ngai Tai… Audio, Gallery
Coastal erosion forces Timaru sports clubs to move
South Canterbury Deerstalkers Association and the Timaru Pistol Club have no choice but to move, because the cliff edge - only metres away from their club rooms - is falling into the sea. Video, Audio
Hawke's Bay to charge ratepayers $30 a year for mitigating climate change effects
Hawke's Bay is on track to become the first region to charge ratepayers for mitigating the effects of climate change. A joint committee made up of three local councils has unanimously agreed that a 30… Audio
Talking about Tree Lucerne
An AgResearch scientist working on a project to help farmers get the most out of a plant most often found on roadsides and in waste areas is hoping to see much more of it on the other side of the… Audio
Dunedin residents evacuated after slip opens up
Residents of four Dunedin homes may have to find somewhere else to spend Christmas after a slip opened up on a nearby hillside, forcing them to evacuate. Video, Audio
Protecting Dunedin's Sand dunes
Dunedin Council's come up with a way to tackle erosion along sand dunes in the city. Notches will be cut into the dunes to help them grow and become more resilient. Audio, Gallery
Shane Jones on the billion trees plan
Kathryn Ryan speaks to the minister responsible for planting a billion trees in ten years - Shane Jones, following questions on what to plant, where and who will decide. This follows urgent calls from… Audio
Council tells homeowners to protect themselves from ocean
Residents of Onaero say the New Plymouth council's refusal to complete a rockwall at the North Taranaki beach settlement is leaving them at the mercy of the ocean. Video, Audio