Sanctions without benefits
Researchers into poverty are asking the government where the evidence is that its new benefit sanction regime will work.
Beneficiary advocates concerned MSD not ready for influx
Beneficiary advocates are concerned the Ministry for Social Development won't be able to cope with the vast number of people needing to access benefits during the Covid-19 crisis.
The Social… Audio
Minister fronts people queuing outside Work and Income office
The government's fronted up to a South Auckland Work and Income office where parents have again been queuing since the early hours of the morning to get help accessing emergency grants. Nita… Video, Audio
Will a boost to benefits be enough to put meat back in the grocery shop?
The Finance Minister reckons the small boost to benefits anounced yesterday could put meat back in the grocery shop for some... but others say it's simply not meaty enough to make a real difference. Video, Audio
Beneficiary says MSD investigation drove her to attempt suicide
A beneficiary says the stress of a long MSD fraud investigation drove her to attempt suicide and has ruined her life, even though she was cleared in an independent review of her case. She spoke with… Audio
Homeless told there's no emergency accommodation available
Work and Income staff are turning away homeless people in Auckland, telling them there is no emergency housing available, multiple sources say. Checkpoint has learnt of several people told this in… Audio
Who dares WINZ? Calling out MSD's 'lack of empathy'
Twitter user Emmes has shared her bad experiences at Work and Income offices, shocked at the attitude of staff and lack of help offered, and received a flood of responses both good and bad. Audio
Mum in wheelchair says MSD treated uncle's loan as income
An Auckland woman says she was denied some of her benefit because she got a loan from her uncle to help build a wheelchair friendly home. Audio
'WINZ just took that abuse to a whole other level'
The High Court ruled has against Ministry of Social Development, which argued that bank loans and credit cards made up part of a beneficiary's income. Video, Audio
False tip-off led to benefit being cut with no warning
The Ministry of Social Development is insisting it made a one-off mistake in stopping a woman's benefit before they had investigated a tip she was cheating the system.
'Mo-hell' - WINZ paying for families to stay at motel from hell
It's been dubbed the Awanui 'mo-hell', and Work and Income is paying for homeless families to stay there. Some say it shouldn't be operating, let alone housing kids. Video, Audio
Insight: The rub between Work and Income and beneficiaries
The vision of the Ministry of Social Development is to help New Zealanders to help themselves to be safe, strong and independent. But many beneficiaries are taking to social media to talk about what… Video, Audio
Disabled man's benefit cut by Work and Income
A severely intellectually disabled man's benefit has been cancelled because Work and Income says it didn't receive his yearly update form. His father is hoping for changes to the ministry he says has… Audio
Beneficiary advocates slam WINZ
Beneficiary groups have slammed Work and Income over a new report showing people missing out on $200 million a year in entitlements.
WINZ office closed following threat
The police have charged a man after Work and Income staff were threated in Hamilton.
Cartoon: On the benefit of role models
Opinion - Toby Morris questions what constitutes a role model after Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei's revelation that she lied to Work and Income as a young solo mother in order to receive more…
Solo mum: 'I live on literally $10 a week for my own food'
Choosing between paying the rent and putting food on the table is life for many sole parents reliant on a benefit.
Intellectually disabled daughter 'robbed' by WINZ, father says
Cliff Robinson is questioning how Minister of Social Development Anne Tolley can sleep at night after Work and Income suspended his daughter's benefit because she went on a holiday. Audio
Lawyer-laden MSD Coroner's inquest
Mark Henaghan of the University of Otago on the legal costs incurred by the Ministry of Social Development in a Coronial hearing into the death of a vulnerable beneficiary. Audio
WINZ pays nearly $40k for family to live in motel
A Whangarei family has been living in a motel for more than six months, costing the government nearly $40,000, because they can't secure a private or state home. Zac Fleming reports. Video, Audio