Shaun Barnett
Book review: A Wild Life by Shaun Barnett
Peter Laurenson reviews A Wild Life by Shaun Barnett published by Potton & Burton. Audio
Tramping guru Shaun Barnett faces tough cancer challenge
As he works on his 11th book, Kiwi tramping guru Shaun Barnett is facing the toughest challenge of his life - stage four brain cancer. He talks to Jesse Mulligan about his passion for the outdoors and… Audio
Book review: Tramping in Aotearoa: New Zealand's Top 45 Tracks by Shaun Barnett
Elisabeth Easther reviews Tramping in Aotearoa: New Zealand's Top 45 Tracks by Shaun Barnett published by Potton & Burton Audio
Book review: Great Stories of New Zealand Conservation
Shaun Barnett reviews Great Stories of New Zealand Conservation by Alan Froggatt, published by Upstart Press. Audio
Shaun Barnett: Planning your Easter tramping trip
With the long weekend coming up, outdoors author, editor and photographer, Shaun Barnett joins us to take your questions on the best ways and the best tracks to get out tramping this Easter. Audio
NZ's best huts
Aoteroa is home to more than 1000 back country huts of all shapes, sizes and elevation levels. Wilderness Magazine has put together a list of New Zealand's best 40 huts, from across the width and… Audio
Book review: Still Pictures: On Photography and Memory
Shaun Barnett reviews Still Pictures: On Photography and Memory by Janet Malcolm; introduced by Ian Frazier; afterword by Anne Malcolm, published by Text Publishing. Audio
Summer Walking
Summer walking Walker and photographer Shaun Barnett is back to talk about another four of his favourite day walks from different parts of the country. Today it's Te Henga Walkway in Auckland's… Audio
Summer walking
While beaches, baches, lakes and relaxing might be on the top of your holiday list, there's nothing like a decent walk to discover more of an area's scenic highlights, history and wildlife. Shaun… Audio
Book review: Sylvia and the Birds by Johanna Emeney & Sarah Laing
Shaun Barnett reviews Sylvia and the Birds by Johanna Emeney & Sarah Laing, published by Massey University Press. Audio
90 years of backcountry exploring
2021 marked the 90th anniversary of FMC, or the Federated Mountain Clubs. As an organisation it predates the Great Walks, but they've made a lot of huge wanders themselves. To tell us more about the… Audio
The Attraction of Our Backcountry Huts
A Bunk for the Night: A Guide to New Zealand's best Backcountry Huts by Shaun Barnett, Rob Brown & Geoff Spearpoint has been revised and updated. Shaun and Geoff joins us to tell us about it. Audio
Book review - The Spirit of the Mountains
Shaun Barnett reviews The Spirit of the Mountains: Alpine Adventures and Reflections by Ron Hay, published by Mary Egan Publishing. Audio
Tramping in Aotearoa 101
Today's expert is going to tell us ALL about tramping...text in with your questions on 2101, or email Writer and photographer Shaun Barnett is the author of many books about tramping… Audio
Book review - Living with the Climate Crisis: Voices from Aotea
Shaun Barnett reviews Living with the Climate Crisis: Voices from Aotearoa edited by Tom Doig, published by Bridget Williams Books. Audio
Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean - NZ's first tramping club
New Zealand's first tramping club, The Tararua Tramping Club celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. These days tramping is a mainstream leisure pursuit but In 1919 it was viewed as a very odd way… Audio, Gallery
Talk the Walk: The Orongorongo tracks
Today we have tramper, photographer and tramping author Shaun Barnett on to talk about the Orongorongo track near Wellington. Audio, Gallery
NZ's best backcountry huts
Writer and photographer Shaun Barnett talks to Kathryn Ryan about his guide to the best huts of the beaten track. . A Bunk for the Night, a Guide to New Zealand's Best Backcountry Huts. by Shaun… Audio, Gallery
Playing Favourites with Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean
Trampers and writers who have collaborated on the new, illustrated book, Tramping: A New Zealand History. Audio
The history of New Zealand's back country huts
Shaun Barnett, Rob Brown and Geoff Spearpoint spent three years researching and writing a complete history of back country huts in New Zealand - using archive photos, as well as taking some remarkable… Audio