Rocket Lab
Rocket Lab offer students factory tour after Actura's failure
Rocket Lab is offering factory and mission control tours to those caught up in the failure of international student travel company Actura. Spokesperson Morgan Connaughton spoke to Corin Dann on… Audio
From the sea to the sky
Sir Russell Coutts has leased his SailGP manufacturing factory to Rocket Lab – and his specialist carbon composite workers are part of the deal. Audio
Technology: Aussie tech spend-up, big week for NZ
Tech commentator Peter Griffin joins Kathryn to talk about the significant spend included in this week's Australian federal Budget. Could Prime Minister Chris Hipkins pledge to make next week's New… Audio
Rocket Lab catches falling rocket with helicopter
Rocket Lab successfully caught a falling rocket stage in mid-air using a helicopter, before dropping it in the ocean.
Craig Piggott - From space rockets to 'cowgorithms'
You've heard of algorithms, but how about a herd farmed by "cowgorithms"? Kiwi agri-tech company Halter created electronic collars that use sound and vibration to guide and contain individual cows… Audio, Gallery
Mahia locals concerned about Rocket Lab military ties
There is growing concern among Mahia locals and peace groups about Rocket Lab and its work with the United States military. Journalist and barrister Ollie Neas has investigated the growing tensions. Audio
Alarm at Rocket Lab's next payload
A planned payload by the Space company, Rocket Lab, has upset the Peace Foundation, which has written an open letter to the Prime Minister, asking for launches that include military payloads to be… Audio
Rocket Lab to recover rocket for first time
Rocket Lab will attempt to recover the largest part of its rocket for the first time today, when it launches its new mission "Return to Sender" this afternoon
The rocket splits into two pieces… Audio
Rocket Lab to launch student-built satellite
A satellite built and operated by students at the University of Auckland will be launched into space later this month.
Waka Āmiorangi Aotearoa APSS-1 is the first New Zealand satellite to be built by… Audio
Rocket Lab plans for mission to Venus
Rocket Lab is aiming beyond the moon, with plans to go to the second planet from the Sun - Venus. That mission is still a few years away. Rocket Lab's founder and chief executive Peter Beck talks… Audio
Is NZ ok with carrying out America's space business?
It's one of our most successful companies - but how much do we know about what Rocket Lab is carrying into outer space, and who it's carrying it for? Audio
Hackers could shut down satellites and turn them into weapons
Satellites have the potential to revolutionise many aspects of life, but they could also be shut down by hackers and used as weapons. Cyber conflict commentator Dr. William Akoto says all it takes is… Audio
Concerns raised over Rocket Lab collaboration with US military
Professor Kevin Clements, Chair and foundation director of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Otago University says there are very real concerns about Rocket Lab working with the… Audio
Catching rockets mid-air a 'significant' cost for Rocket Lab
Rocket Lab says its plan to catch its rockets with a helicopter mid-air, as they descend back down to earth, will cost a significant amount. Audio
The space race is on again
Fifty years after the moon landings - during which the space race slowed to a crawl - exploration is speeding up again. Audio
Rocket Lab launches mission for US defence agency
Space company Rocket Lab has launched its fourth orbital mission this afternoon, this time for a US defence agency. Video
NZ may be a launch site for space tourism, says MBIE boss
New Zealand is positioning itself to be a leader when it comes to space tourism.
Rocket Lab to launch satellite for US defence agency
Rocket Lab's first 2019 launch will put a satellite into low Earth orbit for the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Rocket Lab hopeful for second commercial launch today
After being hampered by unfavourable weather for the last few days, Rocket Lab is optimistic it will be able to launch today.
ACC invests in Rocket Lab
The Accident Compensation Corporation has invested in the New Zealand-based U.S orbital launch company, Rocket Lab. Audio