From meth capital to book town: What's going on in Featherston?
The Detail: In the space of a decade, Featherston has reinvented itself.
Featherston, a fairy tale of reinvention
In the space of a decade the Wairarapa town of Featherston has reinvented itself, from a broken down P-plagued problem place, to a vibrant reading centre Audio
Kiwi cryptocurrency thriller keeps readers guessing
In her former life, Martinborough-based author Rosy Fenwicke was a doctor who wrote books on the side. She's been a fulltime writer for a year now and won't be going back anytime soon. Her latest… Audio
Martinborough ratepayers walkout over unexpected rates hike
Dozens of ratepayers walked out of a South Wairarapa District Council meeting today in Martinborough after being denied a chance to discuss their large rate rises. Mayor Alex Beijen announced there… Audio
The joys of cycling into a headwind
There are plans under way for a National Headwind Cycling Championships in Martinborough. Audio
View from the Vines: Into the Barrel
We're back at Te Hera Vineyard where winemaker John Douglas has had an unusually solitary time, thanks to Covid-19, nurturing his fermenting grapes, measuring sugar levels and pressing the grapes… Audio
Waterworks go on in South Wairarapa
Work continues on critical water projects across South Wairarapa despite the Covid-19 lockdown.
View from the Vines: Grape harvest in a pandemic
The Covid-19 outbreak has meant tricky times for grape growers in the midst of harvest. There are fewer workers around to bring in the grapes and many winegrowers like John Douglas of Te Hera Vineyard… Audio
View from the Vines: Nets On
It's nearing the end of veraison - a significant time in the vineyard when the berries start to change colour, developing flavour ready for harvest. We've been following John Douglas as he works his… Audio
Deborah Coddington - Booksellers
Yesterday we spoke to a bookseller in the Wairarapa town of Carterton - and today we're heading about 30 kilometres south to another spot in the region - Martinborough. And we're speaking to Deborah… Audio
View from the Vines: Standing out from the Wine Crowd
In the third of the View from the Vines series, we tidy up the vine canopy with winemaker John Douglas before heading into the barrel room with a hen party who've arrived for a tasting. Audio
Boil water notice remains in Martinborough, water cannot be chlorinated
Further testing is being carried out in the south Wairarapa town of Martinborough after E coli was detected.
Boil water notice remains in place in Martinborough
The South Wairarapa District Council says it hasn't been able to fully flush Martinborough's water network, and a boil water notice remains in place in the town.
Relief as heritage town centre opens after six-year fight
Hundreds have turned out for the opening of a community centre in Martinborough today that has bought together the whakapapa and the heritage of the small Wairarapa town. Audio
Protesters link arms around Martinborough’s last remaining bank
Between 100 and 200 people have linked arms around an ANZ bank, the last remaining bank in the South Wairarapa town Martinborough in a last-ditch attempt to stop it closing. Local councillor Pip… Video, Audio
Govt to announce mental health inquiry
The details of an inquiry into mental health services will be announced by the Government today. It's one of the promises Labour made in last year's election campaign - and something it pledged to do… Audio
Labour meets for first 2018 caucus as govt nears day 100
With less than two weeks until Labour marks its 100th day in office, the Prime Minister is confident she can tick off all the party promised to achieve in that time. Labour MPs are currently in the… Audio
Martinborough businesses operate on skeleton crews
A completely washed out bridge has been stopping people getting into and out of Martinborough, so the town's businesses have today been operating with skeleton crews. Video, Audio
South Wairarapa floods "It's a serious amount of water."
South Wairarapa has been badly affected by floods. Our reporter Jacob McSweeny traveled to near Martinborough. "There's vicious freezing sideways rain - and that's flooded the rivers and the paddocks… Audio