James Shaw
A tumultuous year for the Greens
Questionable conduct, personal tragedy, and a changing of the guard: the internal of the Green Party. Audio
A tumultuous year for the Greens
Questionable conduct, personal tragedy, and a changing of the guard: the internal of the Green Party.
AudioJames Shaw's advice for the Green Party
Former Greens Co-Leader James Shaw on why the party should consider working with National in future, why he's been called a "tree Tory", and what he's got planned after politics. Video, Audio
'When old men plant trees': James Shaw's farewell
James Shaw's valedictory statement included thanks, humour, yarns, surprising allies, warnings and advice for MPs on avoiding the endless policy tug-of-war. Audio
'When old men plant trees': James Shaw's farewell
James Shaw's valedictory statement included thanks, humour, yarns, surprising allies, warnings and advice for MPs on avoiding the endless policy tug-of-war.
AudioPolitical commentators Neale Jones and Tim Hurdle
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is joining calls for de-escalation between Israel and Iran as the conflict escalates. Audio
The debate James Shaw delayed his retirement for
Members Day this week had it all: surprise votes, big and niche issues, success and failure. A bill from a reciting MP led to an environmental rights debate which included gaping philosophical…
The debate James Shaw delayed his retirement for
Members Day this week had it all: surprise votes, big and niche issues, success and failure. A bill from a retiring MP led to an environmental rights debate which included gaping philosophical divides… Audio
Playing favourites with James Shaw
This Sunday, after nine years as Green Party co-leader, including a five year stint as Climate Change Minister, James Shaw is stepping down. He's joining Susie to talk about everything other than… Audio
James Shaw on Government bill to fast track consents
The government will introduce a bill on Thursday to establish a 'fast track' consenting regime, aimed at improving the speed of approval for major infrastructure projects.
Regional Development… Audio
Legislative year begins with ending Productivity Commission
The first piece of legislation Parliament is looking at in 2024 disestablishes a Crown entity that MPs all agreed has been doing great work. But they don't all agree that it should go. Audio
Legislative year begins with ending Productivity Commission
The first piece of legislation Parliament is looking at in 2024 disestablishes a Crown entity that MPs all agreed has been doing great work. But they don't all agree that it should go.
AudioNZ's Green Party co-leader set to step down
NZ's Green Party co-leader set to step down. Audio
James Shaw to step down as Green party co-leader
James Shaw will step down as co-leader of the Green Party in March but will remain in Parliament for now.
The former Minister will stay on to support a bill which would add the right to a sustainable… Audio
Christmas messages from NZ First and the Greens
Now we have some more Christmas messages from our political party leaders.
This time it's New Zealand First leader Winston Peters, followed by Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and James Shaw. Audio
Greens co-leader James Shaw on COP28
It's 3-days into the nearly two-week conference, New Zealand has so far signed up to one international agreement - to adapt agriculture and food production to the changing climate. 133 other countries… Audio
Green Party launches petition to save oil and gas ban
The Green Party has launched a petition to save the oil and gas exploration ban.
This comes as the newly formed government plans to scrap several climate change-related policies.
One of those is… Audio
Final day of campaigning before polls close tomorrow night
Friday is the final day of campaigning for the 2023 election.
Voting closes Saturday evening at 7, then the counting begins and a new government will eventually be formed.
National Party leader… Audio
Green Party continue to rise in polls as election day nears
The One News Verian and Newshub Reid Research polls show support for the left bloc rising.
The Greens rose by a point to 14 percent in the 1News poll and is up by 0.7 to 14.9 in Newshub's poll.
… Audio
Greens' James Shaw on social housing policy
Co-leader of the Greens is James Shaw and he spoke with Nathan Rarere. Audio