Fox Meyer
The high price of saving money on free lunches
The school lunch debacle is causing an increasing clamour to rip it up and start again.
The high price of saving money on lunch
The school lunch debacle has deteriorated so much that there is an increasing clamour to rip it up and start again. Audio
The 'bulldozer' of a bill set to change gene editing laws
Changes are coming to our gene editing laws. Whether they'll help future-proof our economy or ruin our international reputation is up for debate. Audio
The fast track to nowhere
Critics are asking if the 149 projects on the government's fast-track list are real schemes, or just unfunded dreams Audio
University education is about to get more expensive
Budget 2024 will bump funding for universities, but students will likely be the ones footing the bill Audio
Dunedin flat initiations: From daft to dangerous
Hazing rituals ranging from being pelted with eggs, given creative buzzcuts and vomiting on each other are a Dunedin tradition dating back decades. Audio
The Week in Detail: West Coast's blue flip and hazing rituals
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
A culture worth keeping?
Hazing rituals at Otago University are getting more extreme, with even those all in favour of the student culture asking if they've gone too far. Audio
Otago university warns a student could be killed in flat initiation
Otago university's warning a student could be killed or seriously harmed in flat initiations that can quickly lead to bullying, intimidation and harassment. And it's written to flats it knows are… Video, Audio