The West Coast Regional Council has approved a $54.4 million flood resilience proposal for Westport today.
The government has forked out more that $100m to help pay for adverse weather events in the Buller region in the last year alone. Photo: Supplied/NZ Defence Force
The proposal, a first-of-its-kind co-investment between Buller District Council, West Coast Regional Council and central government, would protect the township against future flood events.
It would require central government to provide more than $40m of the funding.
But it is likely to prevent $400m of future building damage if it goes ahead, a report said.
The proposal includes building some flood walls and stopbanks along the Buller River and creating a regulatory framework which restricts development in flood zones.
Planting to reduce erosion and managed retreat are also part of the proposal, which centres on a PARA approach: Protect, avoid, retreat or relocate and accommodate.
While it was acknowledged the cost of the final proposal was much higher than initial figures, $100m of government funding has been provided to the Buller region in the past year alone, following several severe events.
Buller District Council will vote on the proposal tomorrow.
If passed, it will be taken to Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta.