1 May 2022

Poignant legacy illustrated in new cookbook

From Sunday Morning, 11:05 am on 1 May 2022

Auckland woman Sophia Cameron's late mother, Robyn, travelled all over the world throughout her 20s, studying different international cuisines and gaining a passion for food - especially Mediterranean food - along the way. Sadly, after first being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, when Sophia was only six-years-old, Robyn passed away in 2019. The idea behind Sophia's new book, Rob's Kitchen, was to create a special legacy project that would honour her mother, who loved cooking with fresh, organic ingredients and sharing her creations with friends and family. In the book, Sophia recalls Robyn's signature dishes and lovingly recreates them from her handwritten recipes, notes and journals. Sophia, who is about to set off on her Covid-delayed OE, joins the show to discuss Rob's Kitchen (proceeds are going to breast cancer charity Sweet Louise) and what it means to create a cookbook that honours her mother's legacy.

Sophia Cameron's new book Rob's Kitchen is dedicated to her late mother Robyn (left).

Sophia Cameron's new book Rob's Kitchen is dedicated to her late mother Robyn (left). Photo: Supplied


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