3 Aug 2014

Bill Bailey - Life and Limboland

From Sunday Morning, 10:06 am on 3 August 2014

“For me comedy and satire was all about satirising the powerful and those that were prone to all the kind of things that comedy is there to puncture - avarice, hypocrisy, smugness, violence, oppression, government, lack of accountability.... Satire exists as a counterpoint to that…”

Bill Bailey has done very well indeed as a comedian, musician and actor, playing across the world to some very big audiences.

He was named 7th in the top 10 comedians of all time, along with the likes of Eddie Izzard, Bill Hicks, and Bill Connolly,  in a 2010 survey.

He lives with his partner, and a menagerie of animals - including five dingoes, an Argentinian horn frog, snakes and tamarind monkeys.

And to quote the Sunday Times of London, he can make punch lines out of dark matter.

Bill Bailey is touring NZ in November with his new show, Limboland – all about that gap between how we imagine our lives to be, and how they really are.

He talks to Wallace Chapman on Sunday Morning.

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