Calling Home: Flick Taylor in Laikipia County, Kenya
Flick Taylor is currently living in a tent on her and husband Sam's plot in Laikipia County in Kenya while the family build a new home. It's a world away from her early upbringing on a farm in rural… Audio
The sound of global endangered habitats and wildlife
For three decades sound designer and naturalist Doug Quin has traversed the globe recording natural soundscapes, with special attention on endangered and disappearing habitats, making field recordings… Audio, Gallery
Alison Ballance retrospective 1: shags & eagle rays
Alison Ballance looks back at the 1,000+ stories she has made, and revisits stone-eating spotted shags and urban eagle rays Audio
Our Changing World for 25 March 2021
Alison Ballance plays favourites from the archives - stone-eating spotted shags and urban eagle rays. Audio
Calling Home: David Shearer in Juba, South Sudan
David Shearer has just delivered his final briefing to the UN Security Council as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General United Nations Mission in South Sudan, capping off a remarkable… Audio
Could a more meaty diet make cats kill less wildlife?
Domestic cats appear to hunt less when their diets are richer in animal-sourced protein, according to a newly-released study out of the University of Exeter in England. Professor Robbie McDonald is… Audio
The extraordinary lives of lighthouse women
Shona Riddell enjoys cold, windy weather and stories about remote locations. She's also had a long-held fascination for lighthouses. So it's perhaps no surprise her new book, Guiding Lights tells the… Audio
Call for Wellington cats to be kept indoors overnight
Predator Free NZ's Jessi Morgan talks to the Panel about the call for cats to be kept indoors overnight in Wellington to protect local birdlife. Audio
Impact of Australia fires on wildlife still not clear
Ecologists in Melbourne fear they are missing the chance to rescue animal species unable to recover from the destructive bush fires earlier this year. The state's north east was hardest hit, along… Audio
Amos Nachoum: 'Rather than aim a gun, I aimed a camera.'
"If your picture is not good enough, it's because you're not close enough." That's the mantra of Israeli solider-turned-wildlife-photographer Amos Nachoum. His film, Picture of His Life is screening… Video, Audio
Why do people freak out when they get lost?
Professor Kenneth Hill -- a psychologist who has dedicated his career to studying how lost people behave -- discusses his decades-long research into why people lost in forest and wildlands react the… Audio
Calling Home: Chene Wales-Baillie in Mpumalanga
Chene Wales-Baillie loved her life in New Zealand, and her family remain here to this day, but there was something about the animals and wildlife of the big game parks that ultimately drew her back to… Audio, Gallery
Lockdown and our Relationship with Nature
One of the interesting results of the lockdown is that many of us have had the time to walk in our neighbourhoods and suburbs and notice the birds and natural environment around us. Professors Phil… Audio
Whitesnake singer David Coverdale: 'There's not a misogynist bone in my body'
He's the stereotypical tight-trousered, big-haired rock lothario, but Whitesnake singer David Coverdale insists he can sleep comfortably at night in the #MeToo era. He's about to play an Auckland… Audio
Calling Home: Duncan Clarke in Costa Rica
Technically, Duncan Clarke still lives at his mother's place in Wellington, but that's because his vocation as a long-haul tour bus driver means he is effectively of no fixed abode. The former… Audio, Gallery
Top wildlife photography judge on capturing 'the one'
What is it that you need to snap that perfect wildlife image and how is that determined in the judging room? Wildlife photographer of the year judge of nearly four decades, and chair of the jury Roz… Audio
Is our obsession with wildlife photos causing harm?
Is our obsession with taking pictures of animals doing them harm? Zara Bending, an Associate at the Centre for Environmental Law at Macquarie University discusses the potential pitfalls of wildlife… Audio
The Toroa Albatross breeding season begins
Dunedin's Taiaroa Head is the only mainland breeding site of this magnificent bird so there is a lot at stake come breeding season. The first of this year's eggs has just hatched. But the news of the… Audio, Gallery
Elizabeth of Tawa: teen environmentalist takes on predators
Self-described 'bird nerd' Elizabeth Werner is working to eradicate predators in her Wellington neighbourhood. Video, Audio, Gallery
Dave Bryden - moving kokako to a safer home
It is without doubt one of the most haunting of our bird calls - that of the North Island kokako, less poetically also known as the blue-wattled crow. Ecologist and kokako specialist Dave Bryden is… Audio, Gallery