CYF 'racist' says Tariana Turia
Child Youth and Family is a racist institution and iwi should be given the right to care for children in state care, former Māori Party leader Tariana Turia says.
How local bids to ban begging made national news headlines
The national media usually have little interest in local election issues, but it was a different story with banning beggars from big city streets recently. Mediawatch looks at how it hit the headlines… Video, Audio
Pensioners fear housing privatisations
Pensioners living in council housing in Horowhenua are worried they could lose their homes if the council goes ahead with plans to sell off the units.
The future of Child Youth and Family
Social Development Minister, Anne Tolley, discusses changes to Child Youth and Family and the way vulnerable children are cared for by the state. Audio
Welfare cost savings estimated at $12b
Finance Minister Bill English has updated cost savings from the government's welfare reforms, saying $12 billion in future costs have been cut.
Dame Diane Robertson's final Christmas as Auckland City Missioner
Dame Diane Robertson is the outgoing Auckland City Missioner. She has been at the helm of the Auckland City Mission for 17 years, but involved in the social services organisation for more than two… Audio
Thousands of children hit by benefit cuts
Thousands of children have been affected by benefit cuts in the past two years because their parents have missed an appointment at Work and Income or failed some other condition. Audio
Food grants drop by $20m in five years
Despite record demand at the country's food banks, Government food grants for struggling families have dropped by nearly 20 million dollars in over the past five years. Audio
The Ruling 1%
Why (through the smoke and mirrors), it is now the pervasive rule of big money that drives the American Empire and global capitalist economy, with Paul Street, policy researcher, journalist… Audio
Growing Jobs
The Eastern Institute of Technology, Work and Income and local iwi have teamed up with an Hawkes Bay orchardist, John Bostock, to set up a training programme that's helped some locals get off the… Audio
Kiwis falling through the cracks in Australia
With Maree O'Halloran - the official spokesperson for the National Welfare Rights Network (NWRN) and the Director of Sydney's Welfare Rights Centre. Duncan Sandilands - Founder of the Fair Go 4 All… Audio
Ideas for 9 September 2012
In 1898, New Zealand became the first country in the world to introduce an old age pension; in 1926 it became the first to introduce a family benefit; then in the 1940s we led the way in introducing a… Audio
Insight for 20 May 2012 - Welfare Reforms
Ian Telfer asks whether plans to get solo parents into paid jobs will work. Audio
Insight Sunday 18 November: Child Labour
Should children who work be better protected? Audio