Sisters in Arms
Only a few women surgeons managed to fight their way to the Front Line in the First World War - and one of them was a New Zealander. Jessie Scott's story is being told in a theatre production that's… Audio
Catherine DeAngelis
Catherine DeAngelis: policing pharma Emeritus professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the first woman editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association, and visiting… Audio
Author of research questioning effectiveness of Tamiflu
Dr Peter Doshi is one of the authors of the research analysing the effectiveness of influenza drugs Tamiflu and Relenza, and an associate editor on the British Medical Journal, which has published the… Audio
Biobead Vaccines
Bacteria are being used as factories to produce tiny biobeads to mimic diseases in the body for vaccines Audio
Future of Antibiotics
Antibiotics have saved millions of lives but increasingly they just aren't working. So how will we find new ways to fight the infections in the future? With Dr Peter Fineran of The University of Otago… Audio
2013 PM's MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
Ben O'Brien, Ceo of StretchSense Ltd, wins the 2013 PM's MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize. Audio
Grapefruit and medicine Pt 2
A follow up to last week's story about the potentially dangerous interactions between grapefruit and some of our most commonly prescribed drugs. We got loads of questions about the possible… Audio
Grapefruit and medicine
Why eating grapefruit or drinking it's juice with some medicines can be seriously bad for your health. Canadian clinical pharmacologist David Bailey made the initial discovery about the interaction… Audio
Roger Ridley-Smith: medicine and Gallipoli
Retired General Practitioner Roger Ridley Smith whose paper, The Sick Soldiers of Gallipoli, was presented to the Third Gallipoli Conference in Istanbul in 2012. Mentions the book Gallipoli by John… Audio
Ancient Remedies
Alain Touwaide from The Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions at the Smithsonian hopes their database of ancient remedies will be used by the pharmaceutical industry in developing… Audio
Ideas for 17 July 2011 - The Cost of Drugs
There are many life-saving medicines that cost just a few cents to manufacture but remain beyond the reach of most of the world's population. Ideas talks to philosopher Thomas Pogge about an idea he… Audio
Ray Avery: medical solutions
Scientist, social entrepreneur and 2010 New Zealander of the Year award for his medical inventions which have helped millions in the developing worlds. Audio