Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - Relationships
If you're wanting to pop the question or simply break up with someone, try throwing these phrases your significant other's way when they least expect it. Ipo - bae; He aha to nama waea korero - What's… Audio
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - food
Next time you're out, why not try some of these sentences? Kei hea te i te kai? - Where's the food? He rārangi kai hua whenua tāhau - Do you have a vegetarian menu? Hōmai te whīnaki tomāto e hoa -… Audio
Māori language vowels 'not like in the old days'
When kuia and kaumatua say Māori language vowels are 'not pronounced like they used to be', they'd be right - over the years their sound has changed dramatically. Audio
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - place names
Here are a few commonly mispronounced place names to master. Audio
Use of Te Reo Māori on the rise: Study
Some Māori Te Reo experts are challenging the idea that it's a dying language. The researchers behind a new study, 'Growing Up in New Zealand', say the language is not as vulnerable as has been… Audio
Giving a way of life - Vanisa Dhiru
Giving is a way of life for Vanisa Dhiru. Helping the homeless and women's rights are among many causes championed by this inspirational Indian New Zealander. Lynda Chanwai-Earle follows Vanisa as she… Audio, Gallery
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - Greetings
A few greetings and farewells to get you started in te reo. Mōrena - good morning. Ka kite āpōpō - see you tomorrow. A tōnā wā e hoa - later man/catch you later. Kei te pēhea koe e hoa? - how's it… Audio
New kupu for Māori Language Week
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori runs from 27 July to 2 August. To kick it off, Eru Rerekura explains words and concepts used by Te Manu Korihi. Audio
Pronouncing Māori words
Finnian Galbraith is a 15-year-old Kapiti College student whose Year 10 school speech 'The importance of correctly pronouncing Maori words' has attracted over two hundred thousand of views on YouTube.
…Kiwi genius stuns Scrabble world winning French title
New Zealand's scrabble champion, Nigel Richards, is now the French champion - and he's done this without speaking the language. Audio
Struggle to communicate with the police highlighted
A 12 minute-long phone call to police on the night Cissy Chen went missing is highlighting the difficulty people, who don't speak English well, have when they dial 111. Audio
Dining with Signing
New Zealand sign language is our third official language, and of the 190 languages spoken in New Zealand it's the 12th most frequently used. But while we might try to say "Un rosso vino per favore" in… Audio
Sir George Grey Special Collections – Religious treasures from Auckland City Libraries
Exploring the special collections of the Auckland City Libraries, and some of the religious treasures that lie within it. Audio
You Call this Art 2014 Part 2
The actor Cliff Curtis, composer Phil Dadson and authors Damien Wilkins and Georgina White discuss the importance of discovery in the process of creating new performances or writing. Justin Gregory is… Audio
Seinfeld: What's so interesting about 'the show about nothing'?
Jennifer Keishin Armstrong is the author of Seinfeldia: The Secret World of the Show About Nothing That Changed Everything, which will be published next year by Simon & Schuster. Audio
The science of screaming - it's all about roughness
A team of international scientists say screams possess a unique acoustic property that activates the brain's fear circuitry. Audio
Te kupu o te wiki: Wīwī - France
The Māori word of the week is: Wīwī - France. Kei te mōhio koe ki te kōrero Wīwī? Do you know how to speak French? Audio
A "golden" Koran and Arabic manuscripts
A "golden" Koran and Arabic manuscripts - Religious treasures from Auckland City Libraries Audio
You Call this Art 2014 Part 1
In front of a Wellington audience, composer Ross Harris, film-maker Louis Sutherland and poets Geoff Cochrane and Bill Manhire discuss differences and similarities in their approaches to creativity… Video, Audio