Lack of social connectedness with elderly a big issue for Kiwis
Nearly 80 percent of Kiwis are concerned about the lack of physical contact they are having with elderly and other relatives outside their bubbles and regions, according to the latest report by… Audio
In Splendid Isolation with Monique Croon
Tonight we take a trip to the Chatham Islands to hear how lockdown is going there. Audio
Sam Neill: actor turned lockdown social media star
Sam Neill says being "stupid and ridiculous on social media" isn't a new thing for him. While he'd rather be on his farm in New Zealand, for now, the Kiwi actor is self-isolating in Australia. In… Audio
Covid-19: Who are the lonely in New Zealand?
The lockdown has reinforced the notion that humans are a social species who aren't designed to be alone. Yet more and more people are feeling isolated and lonely. Hannah Hawkins-Elder has worked… Audio
Sir Michael Morpurgo: Covid-19 will leave us a kinder world
Sir Michael Morpurgo believes that once the Covid-19 pandemic is beaten, the world will be a kinder, more compassionate place. The War Horse author joins the show to discuss the pandemic and the light… Audio
Off the grid: Life on Great Barrier Island during lockdown
Third generation Great Barrier Island resident Tom Daly is living off-the-grid with his wife Beth and three children under six -- Beau (6), Finn (4), Hucks (2). He talks to Jim about how they are all… Audio
Covid-19: 'Do-gooder impostor' cases on the rise
With so many people now working from home, or not at all, due to Covid-19, the 'impostor syndrome' that occurs in the workplace is on the backburner. It has been replaced by a rise in what Dr. Sandi… Audio
Not Your Average Instagram Entertainment
From Monday morning, Kiwi performers will be presenting original work to the nation via Silo Theatre's Instagram account. And they're getting paid for it.
Lynn talks to Sophie Roberts, artistic… Audio
Ill-equipped isolators place strain on Great Barrier Island
Great Barrier Island sounds like the ideal place to isolate during the lockdown but resident Tom Daly, who lives there with his wife and three kids, says some people have arrived on the island… Audio
Wendyl Nissen: Living Simply Through the Seasons
A Natural Year follows Wendyl Nissen's tranquil life in the Hokianga countryside over a twelve month period. She joins the show to discuss her new book and how the move to self-isolation in the… Audio
In Splendid Isolation
Bryan talks to Jennifer Balle from the Waipiata Motel in the Central Otago. Audio
Transplant Recipient Isolates Away From Her Family
One of the people who is at an extremely high risk from Covid 19 is Lorelei Mason, who many of you will remember as the former TV 1 health correspondent. Audio
Amalia Hall
NZ's leading violinist and leader of Orchestra Wellington Amalia Hall joins Nights from isolation at her parents home. Audio
Auckland Age Concern on helping people in isolation
The Prime Minister announced on Saturday that people over 70 should stay at home. Audio
Peter Doherty: 'People should act as though they have Covid-19'
Nobel prize-winning Australian immunologist Professor Peter Doherty says need to think like we’ve already got Covid-19 if we want to protect our most vulnerable. Audio
Robert Macfarlane: the #CoReadingVirus global reading group
Under the Twitter hashtag #CoReadingVirus, the nature and travel writer Robert Macfarlane is doing his bit to fight back against the boredom and increasing isolation many are experiencing as health… Audio
What to do if you do find yourself in isolation
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern advised today anyone who has been overseas in the last two weeks to self-isolate, even if they got back before the official deadline. Audio
Auckland Grammar trials home-based lessons
Auckland grammar is one of a few schools trialling home-based lessons for students this week, using the school's on-line portal. Should all schools be preparing for closure if Covid 19 starts… Audio
How to stay sane in self isolation
Frana Divich has just come out of 2 weeks of isolation after sitting behind a person with Covid 19 on a flight from Palmerston North. She tells The Panel how she coped. Audio
Eldercare sector : protecting the elderly, screening visitors
The aged care sector has formed an industry task force to deal with the challenges posed by Covid-19, and is now bringing in restrictions on visitors in line with Ministry of Health pandemic safety… Audio