Safari Club annual convention
The world's largest hunting group the Safari Club holds its annual convention and auction in Las Vegas, 20,000 hunters from around the world. Audio
Claims of public access privatised by stealth
Philippa Tolley explores if more needs to be done to safeguard public access to the great outdoors Video, Audio
Country Life Summer Edition January 2
A selection of some of the best Country Life stories from 2015. In this episode: Golden Reflections, Ponds of Gold and Woosters of Orira. Audio
Motutapu Island Takahe
Hunter and gun safety expert Brad Johnson talks about why the shooting of takahe on Motutapu Island shouldn't have happened. Audio
Gun licence applications on the rise
The number of people applying for gun licences has increased by more than 50 percent in the past year.
Hunter's tupapaku expected to arrive in Te Kaha today
The body of Carlos Tauhou Ngamoki is expected to arrive at Te Kaha marae today for his tangi. The 27-year-old father was shot while hunting with friends around midnight on Wednesday. His body had been… Audio
Whanau shocked by the latest shooting accident
The whanau of a young father shot while hunting with friends says it's a tragic accident. Audio
Discharge of hunter who killed son unprecedented says lawyer
A man who killed his son in a hunting accident was discharged without conviction yesterday in what his lawyer says is a groundbreaking decision. His lawyer John Fraser argued his client, an… Audio
Judge overwhelmed with emotion in court
A judge was overwhelmed with emotion and had to stop as she discharged a man without conviction today for accidentally shooting his son dead during a hunting trip to Stewart Island. Peter Newport was… Audio
An 11year old Reporoa boy shot in a hunting accident
A flag has been flying at half-mast outside Reporoa Primary School to mark the death of one of its pupils at the weekend. Audio
Boy shot in hunting accident was 'great leader'
The 11-year old boy who was fatally shot during a hunting trip yesterday has been described as a great leader and an amazing sportsman
Firearms safety
Bill O'Leary, is President of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association - he's with us now. Audio
Study looks at how hunters end up shooting mates
New research has pinpointed why hunters feel convinced they are seeing a deer - when in fact they have their rifle trained on a mate. Audio
Why do so many experienced hunters shoot their mates?
Hunters who accidentally shoot their mates in the bush are often experienced and believe they have 100 percent correctly identified their target. Audio
Human hunting and Stewart Island Shags
Hunting by Maori had very different effects on the Stewart Island and Otago populations of Stewart Island shags. Audio
Lion's death raises conservation questions
The killing of a well-known lion by an American dentist has caused an internet storm. Is there ever an argument for shooting endangered animals?
Reaction to Cecil the lion killing
The chair of the Game Animal Council Don Hammond joins the Panel to talk about trophy hunting as outrage about the killing of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe circulates the world. Audio
More details come to light on Cecil the lion
The outrage over the killing of Cecil the lion is continuing to dominate social media around the world. Audio
Golden Reflections
John Knight reckons he has shot and killed thousands animals during his hunting career, but decided to call it a day after being involved in a helicopter accident while hunting near Karamea. Once he… Audio
Hunter for Hire
John Knight reckons he has shot and killed thousands animals during his hunting career. He spent much of it deer culling from helicopters on the West Coast. This involved hanging off the side with a… Audio