Golf course may go to the dogs
South Wairarapa District Council is looking at building its new dog pound at Featherston's old golf course, killing two birds with one stone.
Water resilience on the way for Carterton
Water tanks that will hold an additional 4 million litres are due for delivery in Carterton mid-February.
Council boss and councillor apologise for 'derogatory' emails
A council chief executive and a councillor have been caught making derogatory comments about a community board chairwoman in an email exchange one of them later forwarded to her.
Calling Home: Tracey Rackliff in Sideman, Bali
It was during a deployment to the Solomon Islands in 2013 that former Wairarapa detective sergeants Tracey and Rob Rackliff decided they were going to resign from the police and try something new… Audio, Gallery
Wairarapa DHB investigating staff function payment
Wairarapa DHB is investigating where Prezzy cards used to pay for a staff function came from.
‘Bad eggs’ ruin surface of Masterton's new $1.3 million skatepark
Impatient skaters have damaged the surface of Masterton's new $1.3 million skatepark, weeks out from its official opening.
Masterton youth hub on the way
Masterton youth will have a place to call their own soon, thanks to Masterton District Council.
Five Towns Trail: ‘Where there is a will, there’s a way’
Implementing Wairarapa's $32 million Five Towns Trails network will require the consent of "hundreds of landowners", and there have been "heated conversations" already, a mayor says.
Grumpy, white, old men, or critics?
Masterton's deputy mayor has slammed criticism of the proposed $30 million civic centre, labelling detractors as a group of "grumpy, old, white men".
Wiltshires without wool
Massey University is looking at the costs and benefits of farmers moving out of the wool business and into farming fleece-shedding Wiltshire sheep.
Plumb crazy about crayfish
Strange fishy sculptures made out of recycled stuff are popping up on the shoreline at Riversdale. They're the work of country plumber Jeff Burnett, who can't keep his hands off junk. Audio
New businesses need pandemic support - entrepreneur
A new entrepreneur struggling to get traction for his coffee business during the pandemic says those taking a risk on new ventures need extra support from the government.
ANZAC tradition holds strong in tiny Tinui
These days there are only 18 permanent residents in Tinui, but this weekend hundreds will flock to the town to mark ANZAC Day and visit the memorial cross. Audio
Wairarapa hapū overwhelmed by support to buy back whenua
A Wairarapa hapū is overwhelmed by the support for their crowdfunding campaign for about $500,000 to buy back some of their whenua.
Ngāti Kahukuraawhitia wants to purchase 182 hectares by the… Audio
Cows now grazing on James Cameron's organic vegetable farm
James Cameron's plans to convert his Wairarapa properties into organic veggie farms appear to have fallen short - with hundreds of cows now understood to be grazing in his paddocks.
The Avatar film… Audio
Clock stops on South Wairarapa quarry consent
The clock has stopped on a controversial resource consent application for rock-crushing in rural Wairarapa.
Wellington to Wairarapa Remutaka highway closed for works
State Highway 2 over the Remutaka Hill will be closed for essential maintenance work tonight.
Free to Roam
When Richard Ashcroft was a boy he loved sailing toy boats down a stream, building huts and swinging on vines in the bush. He thinks modern day kids especially those in towns and cities have been… Audio, Gallery
Dali olive oil - a picture of health
Ross Vintiner has carved an interesting career - from the maelstrom of politics alongside David Lange to the relative peace of an olive grove in Wairarapa. Along the way he's developed an interest in… Video, Audio
Cash boost for Wairarapa waterways
A multi-million dollar programme for environmental work across some of Wairarapa's major waterways has been given the green light.