Confidence needed for Covid vaccine delivery
Pacific health leaders are discussing how best to increase confidence to combat misinformation spreading about the Covid-19 vaccines. A survey by the Ministry of Health shows Maori and Pasifika are… Audio
Vaccine roll-out in NZ, but some Pasifika unsure of safety
As the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out begins, there are fears disinformation will put Māori and Pasifika off getting the jab.
A Horizon Research and University of Auckland study has found those… Audio
Waitangi 2021: Koro Vaka'uta
RNZ Pacific News Editor, Koro Vaka'uta, talked with New Zealanders of dual heritage for Waitangi Day. Audio
University glass ceiling: Māori and Pacific promotions and pay
New research shows not only are MÄori and Pasifika under-represented in the New Zealand university workforce - they're also likely to be paid less and less likely to be promoted. Using New Zealand's… Audio
Election 2020 - How Pacific communities feel about euthanasia
A generational divide, views on Christianity and access to trusted information are all factors influencing how members of Pacific community will vote in the End of Life referendum. Audio
2020 Election Pasifika issues debate
An Election 2020 debate on Pasifika issues, recorded on 29 September at the Pacific Media Network studios in Manukau, Auckland. Audio
Whakapapa through portraiture: Taaniko Nordstrom
Former Air New Zealand cabin attendant Taaniko Nordstrom, and her sister-in-law Vienna Nordstrom, are the creative duo behind Soldiers Rd Portraits, a photography-based business they set up together… Audio, Gallery
Improvements in Pasifika mental health space but more needed
While awareness around mental health appears to have grown within New Zealand's Pasifika community in recent years, more needs to be done to support work in the sector. Audio
Proposal on Māori, Pasifika medical school limits 'disturbing'
A prominent medical organisation has called a proposal by Otago University to impose caps on special medical school admissions for Māori and Pasifika "deeply disturbing".
The Royal Australasian… Audio
Covid poverty for hundreds of Auckland's Pasifika
Covid-induced hardship in Auckland's Pasifika community is causing children to drop out of school and tertiary education to support their families. Outreach workers say there's been an alarming growth… Audio
Poet Ria Masae - from fale to K'Rd
Ria Masae's poetry draws on her Pacific heritage which she says influences all her writing. She is one of three poets whose work is published in a new book AUP New Poets 7. Some of Ria Masae's poems… Audio
Architecture with Pacific flair
Former Samoan international Lama Tone tells Kathryn how rugby career ending injuries led him to architecture. Audio, Gallery
Cultural inclusivity on and off the field
Moves are underway in some sporting codes to ensure the cultural mix of athletes on teams will be reflected in other roles, including management and coaching. Audio
Lip-service to diversity blocking Pasifika pathways in sciences
Pasifika and Maori scientists continue to be "severely under-represented" in New Zealand universities and Crown Research Institutes, according to a new study. Its authors say the data shows… Audio
Problems with Pasifika accessing health services rife
A leading Pacific health expert says problems with accessing health services are rife at all levels. It comes after a coroner found a doctor failed to realise two-year-old Hineihana Mausii was… Audio
Lip-service to diversity blocking Pasifika science pathways
Pasifika and Maori scientists continue to be "severely under-represented" in New Zealand universities and Crown Research Institutes, according to new research.
Barriers remain for Māori and Pasifika scientists - study
New research has confirmed that Aotearoa's science sector features a very low number of Maori and Pasifika scientists. Audio
Pasifika scientists severely under-represented in academia
A new study shows that Pasifika scientists are severely under-represented in universities - with no changes over 11 years.
Te Pūnaha Matatini researchers obtained data from 14 universities and crown… Audio
Diversity of athletes not reflected in sports management
Researchers are calling for the cultural and ethnic diversity of athletes to be reflected in management and governance roles of all sporting codes An AUT study in conjunction with NZ and Auckland… Audio
Link found between permanent hair dye and increased cancer risk
A scientific study of more than 45,000 women has found a link between permanent hair dye and an increased risk of breast cancer. Cancer epidemiologist Diana Sarfati from the Cancer Control… Audio