How is the air up there?
Households in Rangiora are being wired up, inside and out, with small devices that measure wood smoke. Audio, Gallery
Lurking leopard seal postpones surveillance dive
A leopard seal that has been lurking in Auckland's Westhaven Marina has forced scientists to postpone a surveillance dive in the area.
September will feel like summer instead of spring
Forget spring - it's summer that has sprung, with meteorologists predicting yet more record-breaking temperatures for 2016.
Darling buds of June in depths of winter
The shortest day, the longest night - it's the winter solstice and yet the trees are flowering.
Warm, wet winter on the way
Feeling chilly? Have your winter woollies on? Fear not, the cold won't last. A warmer than usual winter is ahead, scientists say.
Massive icebergs threaten New Zealand science equipment
NIWA scientists are nervously watching two massive icebergs which have broken off the Antarctic coastline, threatening underwater equipment being used to investigate climate change. Audio
Tips of icebergs could mean equipment, data loss
New Zealand scientists could lose about $250,000 worth of scientific equipment after two massive icebergs broke off the Antarctic coastline at the weekend.
Blue whales race for female attention
Researchers have witnessed the rare sight of Pygmy blue whales racing one another off Cape Farewell, at the top of the South Island. Video
2015 World's warmest on record- but not for NZ
Weather scientists here are ruling out the warmest year on record for New Zealand Audio
Crushing mussels, crunching data
They call it the 'mussel crusher', a machine developed by NIWA to test the strength of New Zealand mussel shells and help the local aquaculture industry Video, Audio
Predicting floods as they become more common and more severe
One in a 100-year floods are a thing of the past and more likely to occur every decade and be much worse. The country's water and atmosphere science body is testing a new tool to predict them and the… Audio
NIWA warns of increased risk of cyclones
NIWA is forecasting an increase in the number and strength of cyclones in the south-west Pacific this summer, and is warning the islands in their path to prepare for the worst. Audio
Mission Complete: New Zealand's first ocean glider takes to the seas
NIWA oceanographers retrieve an autonomous ocean glider after a successful two-week deployment to explore physical and biological properties of the ocean. Video, Audio
Association of Scientists says NIWA claims ironic
The Association of Scientists says NIWA's claims that it actively lobbies against science and the integrity of scientists is ironic.
Niwa withdraws support for the Association of Scientists
Niwa says it will no longer pay membership fees for its staff to belong to the Association of Scientists, saying the group actively lobbies against science and the integrity of scientists. Audio
Climate extremes around the world in 2014
Is the climate broken, or just breaking new records? Audio
Sea levels rising?
Is the impact of storms on the New Zealand shoreline on the increase due to sea level rise as a result of global warming? Bryan Crump speaks to Dr. Richard Gorman, Coastal and Estuarine Physical… Audio
Exploring Seabed Methane Seeps
A team of NIWA marine scientists investigates methane seeps that bubble up from the seabed off the North Island's east coast. Audio
Krill to Blue Whales: Food Webs in the Southern Ocean
After six weeks in the Southern Ocean, scientists return with thousands of blue whale call recordings and hundreds of samples. Audio
Numbers of blue whales unexpectedly high
Scientists have found an unexpectedly high number of blue whales in the Southern Ocean. Audio