Mark Knoff Thomas
Singles' Day: why it's becoming more popular here
Have you ever heard of Singles' Day? It's the biggest global shopping event - in 2018 it made $46 billion sales in one day. But it's generally unknown to Kiwis. Audio
Fear over new armed police teams
Residents and politicians fear new armed police teams are being used for lower risk responses and "preventative patrolling" after an arrest in suburban Hamilton over the weekend. Audio
Is there a need for the new sustainable party?
A new political party launched yesterday, called Sustainable NZ. The party's leader Vernon Tava said that the party would be pro environment, science and business. Audio
Australian fires level "catastrophic" threat
Australia is burning and residents have been warned the threat to areas around Sydney is "catastrophic". At least three people are dead and thousands have been displaced in the fires. Audio
The Panel with Mark Knoff-Thomas and Mihingarangi Forbes
On 4 November 1989 a million people flooded onto the streets bearing lit candles to protest against a repressive East German regime that days later would yield power to people and raise the toll bars… Audio
The Panel with Mark Knoff-Thomas and Mihingarangi Forbes (Part 1)
Australia is burning and residents have been warned the threat to areas around Sydney is "catastrophic". At least thre epeople are dead and thousands have been displaced in the fires which have been… Audio
I've been thinking for 11 November 2019
What the panellists Mark Knoff-Thomas and Mihingarangi Forbes have been thinking about. Audio
Stop with the all pies
We need to stop with this national obsession with pies, an opinion piece argues. Like most of the food that we love as part of kiwi culture - fish and chups, tomato sauce, L&P - the pie is a… Audio
No parking with your campaign cars
A Mayoral candidate has criticised the Hastings District Council ban on councillors' campaign cars being parked in council carparks. Audio
Lifestyle of the (fake) rich
We're all pretending to be rich. Or at least we may be living the high live but we're also deep in debt. Stuff reports today on the rise of the "fake rich" - those kiwis who seem like they're doing… Audio
The world before the internet
A wonderful long read in the Guardian talks about the last generation to have grown up without the internet. These are people born in the late 70's and social scientists call them the "Last of the… Audio
Hotel minis: the next plastic waste to ban?
Mini shampoos, toothbrush and paste, soap and even sewing kits…all things you can happily nick from your hotel room. They're also all individually wrapped in plastic. Audio
Len Lye's door charge
Visitor numbers at the Len Lye Centre have plummeted since the introduction of a door charge for our of towners. The charge was decided by council to help pay for the annual running of the gallery. Audio
Digital technology: are schools ready?
The Education Review Office has slammed the way schools and the Education Ministry were preparing for the introduction of the new digital technologies curriculum in 2020. Audio
Ihumātao's police presence
Tensions were ratcheted up at Ihumātao last night, with an increased police presence blocking Quarry Road. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said police were concerned about a particular part of the site.
…The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore & Mark Knoff-Thomas (Part 2)
The world before the internet; Question of the Day; Lifestyle of the (fake) rich; No parking with your campaign cars; Stop with the pies! Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore & Mark Knoof-Thomas (Part 1)
Ihumatao's police presence; Digital technology: are schools ready? Len Lye's door charge; Hotel minis: the next plastic waste to ban? Audio
I've been thinking for 6 August 2019
What the Panellists Mark Knoff-Thomas and Julia Hartley Moore have been thinking about. Audio