Kim Hill
Top Stories for Tuesday 22 November 2022
Top stories for 22 November 2022 Today on RNZ National. Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has been invited to speak to Parliament 16 and 17 year old could end up with the vote - but not in… Audio
Top Stories for Monday 21 November 2022
The Football World Cup is underway , but it's still being overshadowed by Qatar's human rights abuses COP 27 ends with no significant movement on cutting carbon emissions The Chinese president wants… Audio
Satellite constellations threatening the night sky - astronomers
Astronomers say the very existence of their field of science could be threatened by the huge number of low-flying telecommunications satellite constellations now in the sky - launched by companies… Audio
'They know we're coming for them' - Former NZ soldier says a Ukrainian victory feels possible
Last week Russia withdrew 30,000 troops from the Ukrainian port city of Kherson and surrounding region after nine months of occupation. A former New Zealand soldier Jordan O'Brien was part of a unit… Audio
Victoria Kelly: new music blending the secular and the sacred
Auckland-based composer Victoria Kelly's latest work Requiem takes inspiration from the work of New Zealand poets and photography - drawing on the words of Bill Manhire, Sam Hunt, Chloe Honum, Ian… Video, Audio
Fatu Feu'u: iconic artist changing the way the Pacific looks
Fatu Feu’u, an elder statesman of Pacific art, was intimidated to meet legendary New Zealand painter Colin McMahon in the late '70s. "Colin said 'I am waiting for you and your friends to make a… Audio, Gallery
Lynley Hargreaves: the stories of New Zealand's Glaciers
From her base in the town of Ross on the South Island's West Coast, science writer Lynley Hargreaves is in prime position to observe and contemplate changes to the country's glaciers. Audio
Nick Bevin: distinguished saving our architectural heritage
On Friday 18 November Nick Bevin was made a Distinguished Fellow of Te Kāhui Whaihanga, New Zealand Institute of Architects at the New Zealand Architecture Awards. It recognises not just Bevin's own… Audio, Gallery
Jacob Silverman: cryptocurrency and the golden age of fraud
The spectacular and sudden collapse of $32 billion cryptocurrency exchange FTX this month is potentially a pivotal event for the industry - a 'Lehman Brothers' moment. Audio
Deepa Parent: why Iranian protesters won’t back down
Ongoing anti-government protests in Iran, sparked by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini in September, have intensified this week, fuelled by the death of a 9 year old boy, Kian Pirfalak. Audio
Joyce Carol Oates: Author of Blonde unsettles with new novel inspired by '70s serial killer
An interview with Joyce Carol Oates. Audio
Music 101 Black Ferns tribute
We celebrate the Black Ferns before the big final game at Eden Park, by playing their favourite songs from their Pre Game Playlist. We also play messages of support and song dedications from Sir… Audio
Saturday Morning Listener Feedback
Saturday Morning Listener Feedback for November 12 Audio
Kath Irvine: time for planting ahead of summer
Planting time! Organic gardener Kath Irvine returns to share gardening tips and to answer your questions. Irvine counts pumpkins, squashes and beans as easy, beneficent summer crops to plant now. Audio
Paul Diamond: the remarkable fall of Charles Mackay
In 1920 Whanganui residents were rocked by the news that their mayor had shot D'Arcy Cresswell, a young gay poet, who had been blackmailing him. Mackay was sentenced to hard labour and later left New… Audio
David Farrier: playing cat and mouse with Mister Organ
"Mr Organ is a black hole and I've fallen in," quips journalist and filmmaker David Farrier midway through his latest feature documentary, as he plays a bizarre cat and mouse game with the titular and… Video, Audio
Jacob Mchangama: the historical limits on free speech
Earlier this week the government announced plans to introduce hate speech legislation. Such legislation has not always proven successful, as Danish lawyer Jacob Mchangama shows in his book Free… Audio
Rhiannon Mackie: Young NZer fighting for justice at COP
More than 45,000 people, including world leaders and our own climate change minister, are descending on the resort town of Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt for COP27, the annual UN climate conference, which… Audio