Claire Matthews
Middle class incomes stagnating
A new report shows the incomes of the middle class in the OECD are stagnating. The ultra-rich are getting more and the report says there will be political consequences because of this. Economics… Audio
Lifeline funding
A woman turned to Lifeline in desperation. First of all she texted them and got replies that the service was experiencing long wait times. She then called, and was on hold for 30 minutes. Eventually… Audio
The Panel with James Nokise and Claire Matthews (Part 2)
What's your best or worst celebrity encounter? The SIS has warned that some overseas powers want to influence New Zealand politics through donations. The SIS Director Rebecca Kitteridge laid out the… Audio
The Panel with James Nokise and Claire Matthews (Part 1)
A woman turned to Lifeline in desperation. First of all she texted them and got replies that the service was experiencing long wait times. She then called, and was on hold for 30 minutes. Eventually… Audio
Dr Claire Matthews: NZ Super not enough for Kiwi retirees
Dr Claire Matthews has just released her Massey University Retirement Expenditure Guidelines and its not good news for a lot of people. Audio
NZ financial services sector braces itself for Aus report
The New Zealand financial services sector is bracing itself for whatever changes are recommended by Australia's Royal Commission into the misconduct of the banking, superannuation and financial… Audio
Most of ANZ's near-$2b net profit goes back to Australia
ANZ New Zealand has posted a record net profit after tax of nearly $2 billion. That's a 12 percent increase on last year's profit. ANZ is the country's biggest home and business lender as well as the… Audio
Millennials being warned to save more
Millennials are being warned to save more for retirement, as the amount needed to live comfortably rises sharply. Audio
Gap between pension and cost of living widens: research
Latest research from Massey University shows the gap between what retirees get from the state and the cost of even a no-frills lifestyle has widened significantly and many are working beyond 65 to pay… Audio
What's behind our banks' huge half-year profits?
The country's four big Australian-owned banks have made handsome half year profits, raking in a combined $2.5 billion. That's 11 percent more than the same period a year ago. The country's largest… Audio
Driving speeds
A prediction from the head of Jaguar that humans will continue to be behind the wheel for decades to come and a debate over the speed limit as the Easter road toll increases on last year. Audio
Will New Zealand follow alarming trends in Australian politics
The Australian Election Study says the model of Australian politics is breaking down due to a dramatic polarisation over the last two decades. The Panel talks to Politik journalist, Richard Harman… Audio
Will New Zealand follow alarming trends in Australian politics
The Australian Election Study says the model of Australian politics is breaking down due to a dramatic polarisation over the last two decades. The Panel talks to Politik journalist, Richard Harman… Audio
The Panelists bring their topics
What the Panelists Damian Christie and Claire Matthews want to talk about. Audio
Healthy eating leads to a better mood, apparently
Several studies being reported, including in the Atlantic Monthly, show that healthy eating is connected with better mood. Audio
The Otahuhu park protest blockade
Jess Denholm and other residents living across the road from Otahuhu's Seaside Park are fed up with people using the park as a party spot late at night on weekends. They've taken matters into their… Audio
Hamilton dairy owner's metal cage
After being slashed with a machete and suffering a broken skull in a brutal robbery, a Hamilton dairy owner has installed a metal cage at the entrance to his shop. Audio
The quality of new Auckland apartments
The Panel is joined by the NZ Herald's property editor, Anne Gibson to discuss the quality or otherwise of new builds in Auckland. A one bedroom apartment near Britomart went for $30,000 but be warned… Audio
Live cricket updates and the fallout from Australia's cheating
Australian test cricket rookie Cameron Bancroft is getting easier treatment from the media than his captain and vice-captain. Audio
The Panel with Damian Christie and Claire Matthews (Part 2)
Several studies being reported, including in the Atlantic Monthly, show that healthy eating is connected with better mood. What the Panelists Damian Christie and Claire Matthews want to talk about… Audio