Burkina Faso restaurant attack kills 17 - reports
Seventeen people have been killed and eight wounded in a "terrorist attack" in the capital of Burkina Faso, the government says.
Africa correspondent Debora Patta
An attempted peace deal for South Sudan, the ill-health of Nigeria's President Buhari, and the controversy over a new book on Nelson Mandela by his former doctor. Audio
Nights' Overseas - Uganda
Uganda's Daily Monitor journalist Tabu Butagira reports on the Republic of Uganda, pop. 35,873,253 (est. 2012). Uganda and the United Nations are holding a solidarity conference in Kampala to raise… Audio
Africa correspondent Debora Patta
Deborah Patta reports in on a terror attack in Mali, email leaks from a wealthy family in South Africa who've been accused of acting as a criminal syndicate, and instability between Djibouti and… Audio
Moving past "Afro-pessimism"
The world's media are slowly getting past the stereotypes of poverty, disease and corruption that have characterised coverage of Africa in the past but there's still a way to go, says a media scholar.
…The Book Smugglers of Timbuktu
Kathryn Ryan talks to Charlie English whose new book, The Book Smugglers of Timbuktu, tells the story of the librarians who saved hundreds of thousands of priceless manuscripts from Al Qaeda in 2013.
…Detecting fake drugs
There are over 200 million cases of malaria recorded worldwide every year and it kills more than 400,000 people annually, according to the World Health Organisation.. Although it can be treated by… Audio
Hanging out with Homo Naledi
Scientific understanding of human evolution has received a big jolt with the discovery that primitive hominids may have lived alongside early humans in Africa 300 thousand years ago. The hominids… Audio
Africa correspondent Debora Patta
Just returned from reporting in South Sudan Deborah tells Kathryn Ryan about the famine that's gripped the nation due to its civil war and why South Africa's credit rating has just been downgraded to… Audio
South Africa Correspondent Debora Patta
Debora reports on the famine in South Sudan where 100 thousand people are without food and on the violence which erupted in South Africa's parliament during President Zuma's state of the nation… Audio
China's ballpoint quest & the rise of the unsmart phone
Is the "dumbphone" poised for a bit of a comeback? Also China's quest to build the perfect ballpoint pen and how the humble biro is being used by the NZ police to fight crime. Audio
Africa correspondent Debora Patta
Debora Patta talks with Kathryn about the enforced departure of Gambia's former President, and what the Trump presidency means for Africa. Audio
UN chooses David Shearer for South Sudan role
The Labour MP David Shearer has been confirmed in his new job of leading the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. Audio
Africa correspondent Debora Patta
Deborah Patta reports in on a humanitarian crisis as millions face starvation in north-eastern Nigeria after being freed from boko haram strongholds. Audio
Joshua Hammer - Covering the world
Joshua Hammer is an experienced international correspondent who's seen history unfold in many parts of the world. He was in Africa when Somalia was unravelling, the genocide in Rwanda was taking place… Audio
SafariSeat: turning bike parts into an open-source wheelchair
Conventional wheelchairs aren't really an option in many parts of Africa; they're too expensive and they just can't handle the conditions. Janna Deeble grew up in Kenya and saw the problem for… Audio
Africa correspondent Deborah Patta
Deborah Patta on the schoolgirls recently released by Boko Haram. Audio
Kelly Chibale: African health innovation, and malaria
Kim Hill talks to Dr Kelly Chibale, Founder and Director of H3D, Africa's first integrated drug discovery and development centre, based at the University of Cape Town. He and his team have potentially… Audio
NZer tells of 'mass panic' as she rescued refugees
A New Zealand aid worker who helped rescue 351 migrants from the Mediterranean Sea two days ago says many risk being sent back to where they came from.
Africa correspondent Debora Patta
A new census of elephants in Africa shows catastrophic results, and could mass protests in Zimbabwe be a test for Robert Mugabe who has ruled the country for 37 years? Audio