Chatham Islanders | Episode 2: In the Beginning - A History So Very Rich, and So Very Dark

From Chatham Islanders, 6:00 am on 7 March 2022

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​*This programme can only be viewed if you're in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
*Available to watch until 11th October 2026

What is life like on Aotearoa's remotest island? Chatham Islanders: Tchakat Tchatam Airani is a series about a remote community we see and hear very little from.

Rēkohu / Chatham Island / Wharekauri - these remote islands have a profoundly beautiful and devastatingly sad history that is still felt today.

Tom Lanauze (Ngāti Mutunga and Moriori) and his moko Zion - Chatham Islanders

Tom Lanauze is both Ngāti Mutunga and Moriori, a proud promotor of his heritage, and an active proponent of revitalising Moriori culture. He wants to pass on the knowledge to his moko Zion. Photo: Black Iris Productions

2 TOM - Chatham islanders

 Tom Lanauze Photo: Black Iris Productions

2_RAKAU MOMORI 2 - Chatham islanders

 Moriori are the only known culture in the world to engrave on living trees. Photo: Black Iris Productions

Tommy Solomon - Chatham islanders

A statue of Moriori Tommy Solomon (Tame Horomona Rehe) who lived from 1884 to 1933 Photo: Black Iris Productions


NZ On Air

 Made with the support of NZ On Air Photo: NZ On Air