The New Zealand Geographic Board wants to hear what people think about a proposal to assign the name Paekākā to the area of Wellington that encompasses the Botanic Garden.
Part of the Wellington Botanic Garden which would be included in an area known as Paekākā. Photo: 123RF
The Wellington City Council submitted the proposal after tangata whenua, Taranaki Whānui, gifted the name, which recognises Māori history and traditional resource use in the area.
It also makes a connection to the recovery of the native parrots, kākā, in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Kaka in Wellington City. Photo: Judi Lapsley Miller
Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa, the Geographic Board, explained that the proposed name was not for a suburb, but covered a wider area of traditional significance.
Anderson Park, Bolton Street Memorial Park, and the Cable Car buildings are also part of what would become known as Paekākā.
Public submissions are open until 28 June.
The proposed area that may be named Paekākā. Photo: Toitū Te Whenua / Land Information New Zealand