The Green Party is doubling down to make a rent-to-buy scheme as part of the government's KiwiBuild reset.
Marama Davidson Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller
Greens co-leader Marama Davidson made the announcement at the party's AGM that they were ready to negotiate the policy with the government.
This is not a new policy for the party, a rent-to-buy scheme is one of the promises in the Labour and Greens confidence and supply agreement.
The KiwiBuild reset was due to be announced in July, but that was delayed and the portfolio has been taken from Minister Phil Twyford and given to Minister Megan Woods.
Ms Davidson said the Greens also wanted to negotiate reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act and a mandatory Warrant of Fitness to enforce proper standards for rental homes.
She said the upcoming KiwiBuild reset was an opportunity to make changes that tackle the causes of the housing crisis, and not just manage the problems.
Under the scheme, the government will build a home, or will work in partnership with an iwi, charity, or community housing provider.
Once built, a family moves in, knowing that one day the house will be their home.
"For the first few years, the household pays rent but unlike a private rental, part of their payment will go towards building equity in the home," she said.