The Green Party has announced the four people who will get government roles in the new administration.
They are its leader James Shaw, transport spokesperson Julie-Anne Genter, environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage and social development spokesperson Jan Logie.
Three will be ministers outside cabinet and one will be a parliamentary under-secretary.
Mr Shaw said portfolio responsibilities would be announced later, but that the MPs would have responsibility in areas the party has campaigned on.
"The Green Party's ministers will work hard alongside our team and the rest of the Labour-led government to ensure we make a positive contribution to the lives of New Zealanders by addressing our priority areas of climate change, clean water, and ending poverty," said Mr Shaw.
Gareth Hughes will be the party's chief musterer, the equivalent of a whip in other parties, with Marama Davidson as his deputy.
Yesterday, incoming Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern released the list of Labour MPs who will take up ministerial roles. The portfolios they will hold will be announced on Wednesday.
A look at the Green Party members who will hold government roles
James Shaw
Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King
- James Shaw is the party's leader and spokesperson on finance, climate change and economic development.
- He has been a MP since 2014.
- Prior to becoming an MP, he was a management consultant.
- He is 44-year-old and lives in Wellington.
Julie-Anne Genter
Photo: VNP / Daniela Maoate-Cox
- Julie-Anne Genter is the party's spokesperson on health, transport, and Auckland and youth issues.
- She has been a MP since 2011.
- Prior to becoming a MP, Ms Genter was a transport consultant.
- She is aged 37, lives in Auckland and is American-born
Jan Logie
Photo: VNP / Phil Smith
- Jan Logie is the Greens' spokesperson on social development, local government and rainbow issues.
- She has been a MP since 2011.
- Worked for Women's Refuge, the University Students Association and the YWCA before entering Parliament.
- She is 47-years-old and lives in Porirua.
Eugenie Sage
Photo: VNP / Phil Smith
- Eugenie Sage is the party's spokesperson on the environment and primary industries.
- She been a MP since 2011.
- Worked for Forest and Bird and is a former member of the Canterbury Regional Council.
- She is 47-years-old and lives in Christchurch.