Poll of Polls - Labour and National are only two seats apart in the latest poll of polls average with Newshub Reid Research's latest poll, released last night, added in.
In RNZ's latest average of the three most recent polls, Labour has 39.8% support to National's 41.6%. Graphic: RNZ
Labour and the Greens combined are now comfortably ahead of National.
The Newshub poll was taken a little before the 1 News Colmar Brunton poll published last Thursday, so Labour's lower score than in the 1 News survey - 39.4% compared with 43% - shouldn't be read as Labour going backwards.
In fact, Labour's average has climbed nearly 1 percentage point from 39.0% in Friday's poll of polls - to 39.8%.
On this latest reading Labour would have 49 seats. The Greens' average appears to be bottoming out. It is now 6.2%, which would net eight seats, making the combined Labour and Greens tally 57.
Labour and Greens combined are now a healthy 4.4% ahead of National, which is on 41.6% and 51 seats.
On these figures New Zealand First remains the decider as to which major party leads the next government. But its average continues to fall, from 9.1% in Friday's poll of polls to 8.0% and 10 seats.
The small parties continue to languish: the Māori Party is down to 0.8% and one seat; ACT is on 0.6% and one seat; and the Opportunities Party is 2.1% and heading down.
This is an arithmetical average of the three most recent polls: the unpublished UMR Research (for the Labour Party), Newshub Reid Research and 1 News Colmar Brunton. The next full update will be on Friday 8 September