Karen O'Leary in happier days, with her distinctive pink and blue ute. Photo: Instagram / Karen O'Leary
Have you seen a blue ute with a bright pink door parading down the streets of Wellington?
The unmissable 1990 Toyota Hilux belongs to Karen O'Leary, and she wants it back.
"It's part of my personality, I'm known for that ute. Now what am I gonna be known for? I've done nothing else other than have that ute," the comedian and Wellington Paranormal actor says.
O'Leary's beloved ute was parked up outside her house in Brooklyn, Wellington, and stolen overnight Tuesday. It didn't have lots in it - just a couple of empty beer cans and a bag to carry weeds in - but the theft has put a puncture in some pretty big plans.
"In my head, because I've got a kids van, I thought I'd get every panel of the car in a bright colour, and that was my plan. I'd booked in at the panelbeaters, I'd gone and chosen the colours, and now I will never get to see it become a reality."
O'Leary bought the car 10 years ago during a memorable trip with her dad.
"I went down on a lovely road trip with my dad who's passed away now. We went down to Timaru to get it and we drove it back up from there, on the ferry, and it was a beautiful time. I've had it for a long time ... it used to be a railways ute so when I got it, it hadn't done any kilometres. It was gonna live for the next few years."
O'Leary heads to a gig for children in the iconic 1990 Toyota Hilux. Photo: Supplied / Karen O'Leary
The car is distinctive for sure - a very different make and model to what usually catches thieves' eyes - and it was in a tricky position to steal.
"I live on a stupidly small street, you can only get one car up it, and it was jammed between my neighbour's truck and my stupid EV, which is a boring as shit car.
"It can't be teenagers, because it's got a manual choke, it wouldn't have started unless you know how to use a manual choke. My son's friends don't even know how to put the windows down."
O'Leary's ute, pre-makeover. Photo: Supplied / Karen O'Leary
Waking up to no car, O'Leary initially felt desolate. But she says the response from the local Wellington community has lifted her spirits.
"When I was in Newtown today, the driver of the Salvation Army collection truck yelled out the window at me: 'O'Leary!' I was like, 'Hello?' and he's like, 'I hope you get your ute back, my eyes are on, I'm looking out for it!'
"Hopefully the beautiful Wellington public have got their eyes peeled ... I've been very astounded and very heartened by the number of people that have sent me nice, kind things ... I was just saying to someone else, in the scheme of the world, it's not a tragedy and I'm a very lucky person, it is just a car, but it's nice to know that people still care."
If the ute is returned to O'Leary, she promises a party for the whole city.
"Fingers crossed I get it back, if we do, it could just make everyone in Wellington feel good about themselves. And then I'll have a party and I'll drive my ute giving free things to everybody.