26 Nov 2023

New proposed tenancy policies put renters against landlords

9:50 am on 26 November 2023
House  with "For Rent" sign in front

Photo: 123rf

Renters and Landlords are at odds over the tenancy policies proposed under the new coalition.

Under the new government, landlords will be able to evict tenants without providing a reason or applying to the Tenancy Tribunal.

It will also introduce a pet bond on top of existing bonds.

Renter's United said it wanted to see more in the way of renters rights from the new coalition's tenancy policies.

National Organiser Éimhín O'Shea said he was searching for a middle ground for renters.

"I would definitely be looking for a lot more in terms of increasing renters rights," he said.

"It's hard to see that in this current document."

O'Shea said no-cause evictions were insidious for renters and put a confrontational spin on renter/landlord relationships.

"We hoped that National would've seen how cruel it was or maybe hoping that they'd look at peeling it back, but it looks like they're going to go forwards with it."

"We are looking towards that as a bit of a fight on our hands," he said.

"When I look through this coalition agreement, I'm looking really hard for that middle ground, I really am, and it's hard to see it."

The President of the Property Investors Federation, Sue Harrison, said the policies were a relief for landlords.

"We've been thrilled to hear that they are restoring some of these things and bringing in new policies that actually will play out as more tenant friendly," she said.

"It'll give more opportunities for pets to be allowed in rentals, and also encourage people back into the market place so there are more rentals available, or stop the tide of people selling up their rentals which is happening at the moment."

She said the coalition agreements plan to restore mortgage interest deductibility for rental properties with a 60 percent deduction in 2023/24,

an 80 percent in 2024/25, and an 100 percent in 2025/26 will help ease pressures on property owners.

"We've been under extreme pressure from rising interest rates, and paying tax, and paying provisional tax, that's really pushed a lot of people over the edge financially, and has reduced the number of places available to tenants," she said.

"It has become a tenants tax sadly [...] to reverse that is actually good news for everyone."

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