A Police boat at Petone beach. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone
Police are continuing to search around Petone Beach where a shoe with a foot inside was found on Saturday.
An investigation was launched after a member of the public discovered the shoe with a foot inside about 8am on Saturday.
Wellington police conducted a land and water search around the area but nothing of interest was found.
They were awaiting further details from the pathology tests of the foot.
Many members of the public RNZ spoke to today around Petone Beach and shops were shocked by the events.
One couple said they were on the beach when police initially responded but it was not until later the couple discovered why.
The couple said they hoped the foot belonged to a kayaker who was lost at sea.
Julie, who was also at the beach on Saturday, said she was quite "disturbed" by the incident.
"We bring our kids down here," she said. "You're not sure if you're going to find the other one."
Helen from the nearby cafe said it had been quite scary - especially as she often was alone in the cafe early in the morning.
Meanwhile Renee hoped answers would be found soon.
"My heart goes out to whoever was involved."
A police boat with a diver could be seen in Petone Harbour today.