Thirty-three pilot whales have died after being stranded in the Far North.
Pilot whales at Parengarenga Harbour on Saturday. Photo: DOC
The Department of Conservation (DOC) were informed on Saturday of the stranding of 49 whales in Parengarenga Harbour on the east coast south of Cape Reinga.
Fourteen had already died.
Along with iwi Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kuri and Ngāi Takoto, tried to refloat the remainder.
Only 16 survived, and the other 33 were blessed, measured, had samples taken and buried.
DOC's website states despite their name, pilot whales are in fact one of the largest members of the dolphin family.
DOC said pilot whales were prolific stranders, and this behaviour was not well understood. There are recordings of individual strandings all over New Zealand.