The Green Party is urging the Labour Government to prioritise ending 'conversion therapy'.
Green Party spokesperson for rainbow communities Elizabeth Kerekere plans to launch a petition against gay conversion therapy at the Big Gay Out in Auckland today. File photo. Photo: RNZ / Katie Doyle
Not founded on science, conversion therapy involves attempts, usually by a religious group, to change a person's sexual orientation.
Green Party spokesperson for rainbow communities Elizabeth Kerekere plans to launch a petition at the Big Gay Out in Auckland today, calling for a ban as soon as possible.
Conversion therapy often used shaming, emotional manipulation and in extreme cases, physical trauma, Kerekere said. It was harmful, unethical, and amounted to torture, she said.
"Aotearoa should be a place where no matter who you love or how you identify, you are accepted, and no one should be allowed to force people to change who they are through this harmful and traumatising practice," Kerekere said.
Trying to make a lesbian, gay or bisexual person heterosexual could lead to depression, self harm and suicide, she said.
Labour has already committed to banning conversion therapy - and Kerekere said now was the time for action.
"Let's not let more of our community be exposed to harm. We must get the legislation into the Parliament as soon as possible".