A radio advertisement for Auckland mayoral candidate John Tamihere has been labelled as "misleading" by the Advertising Standards Authority.
John Tamihere. Photo: Twitter
The ad, which aired on Newstalk ZB, claims that Auckland Mayor Phil Goff is letting Auckland Transport cut the speed on 700km of roads to just 30km/h.
Referring to a letter from Auckland Transport, the ASA said the proposal was actually to have speed limits ranging from 30-80km/h.
Under 72km of road are actually proposed for the 30km/h limits.
In contrast to comparable political advocacy advertising, the ASA saod the advertisement was short and didn't provide access to wider contextual information which could assist the listener to form their own opinion.
Mr Goff welcomed the decision, calling the ad "fake advertising".
"It is disappointing to see candidates engaging in false advertising, but I am pleased the Advertising Standards Authority has upheld the complaint made by a member of the public" said Phil Goff.
In January, the former Labour Cabinet minister, Mr Tamihere announced that he is throwing his hat in the ring in the race for the mayoralty role.