Three more popular Taranaki swimming spots have been issued with health warnings because of elevated E. coli bacteria levels.
An electron micrograph of a cluster of E. coli bacteria, magnified 10,000 times. Photo: Eric Erbe and Christopher Pooley, both of USDA, ARS, EMU)
South Taranaki District Council has warned swimmers to steer clear of Kaupokonui River Mouth and Opunake Lake, until the water improves.
The alert was raised because regional council water quality testing found high levels of the toxic bacteria.
People should avoid contact with the water, not collect shellfish, and keep pets out of the water too.
Levels of E.coli were also at unacceptable risk levels at the Town Wharf in Waitara for the first time this summer.
Warnings remain at the Waiwhakaiho River Mouth and Te Henui Stream Mouth in New Plymouth, and Rotokare Lake near Eltham, but the King Edward Park swimming holes in Stratford are now safe.