A Kāpiti Coast councillor found guilty of rubbing himself against a female member of the council staff is appealing against his conviction.
Kāpiti Coast district councillor David Scott. Photo: RNZ/Richard Tindiller
David Scott, who is now 72, was convicted of indecent assault last month, fined $1500 and was issued a first warning under the three strikes law.
He had sought a discharge without conviction.
A woman told the jury she was talking to the mayor at a staff morning tea in April last year, when David Scott came up behind her, put his hands on her hips and proceeded to rub his genitals against her.
However, the defence said the woman had exaggerated what happened and while Scott accepted he had moved past her at some stage during the morning tea, that was not accompanied by any criminal intention.
It is likely the appeal will be heard before the end of the year.
Scott will be forced to vacate his Kāpiti Coast District Council seat if his conviction survives an appeal.