A South Taranaki iwi has withdrawn its opposition to a wind farm proposed for coastal land between Waverly and Patea.
An artist's impression of the wind turbines from Whenuakura rivermouth. Photo: Isthmus / Trust Power
Tararua Wind Power wants to build 48 wind turbines, each standing 160 metres tall, on the 980 hectare site.
Ngā Rauru Kītahi Te Pahunga says the company has agreed to a package to mitigate environmental and cultural damage.
It includes input into the restoration of Waipipi Stream and the coastal landscape, protection for migratory birds and the relocation of freshwater fish and plant species.
The iwi will also get permanent access to the Waipipi block which is the site of an historically important village and will act as cultural monitor.
Hearings on the project are scheduled later this month.