A lack of consequences for breaking bylaws restricting vehicle access to beaches in the Ōpōtiki district has meant an unsuccessful breeding year for New Zealand dotterel on Ōhiwa beach and spit.
New Zeakand dotterel parent and chick Photo: Supplied / LDR
Department of Conservation ranger Mithuna Sothieson made a presentation to Ōpōtiki District Council this week showing the effect new bylaws around vehicle access to beaches has had on shorebirds on Ōhiwa beach and spit.
She said simply walking 100 metres to a fishing site rather than taking a vehicle onto the beach could make all the difference to endangered shorebird species.
Although bylaws the council brought in in 2020 had led to the first successful tūturiwhatu (New Zealand dotterel) breeding in the past six years on the site, a lack of enforcement of the bylaw the following year had resulted in no chicks surviving over the summer just past.
Sothieson presented a selection of photos taken over one hour during the Christmas-New Year period showing people camping in vehicles, lighting fires on the beach, uncontrolled dogs running around and plenty of tyre tracks. She also showed a photo of a dead oystercatcher chick lying on the beach taken during the same period.
The Ōhiwa beach and spit is a site of international significance to tūturiwhatu and other wading birds and has significant volunteer input into protection and restoration of the natural environment.
Just some of the groups that volunteered around the harbour were Upokorehe kaitiaki, shorebird volunteers, Bryans Beach Area Community Group, Ōhiwa Reserves Care Group, Ōhiwa Headland Sanctuary Trust, Hurike Care Group and Ruatuna-Pukeruru Care Group.
"There are many more, as you go around the harbour. I calculated over 1200 hours of volunteer work has gone into the area, which is pretty good from such small communities."
Sothieson said these groups appreciated the support of councils to protect significant sites, but it was disheartening for volunteers who put in the hours year-round only to have it all undone over a crucial two-week period over summer.
"We really see this as being crucial to the survival and success of species like our shorebirds. We do this work year-round and the crucial time is during summertime when we have increased visitor numbers at our beaches. It can take just those two weeks and we end up with no success.
"I've been working in this place for the past 10 years and what I have noticed is that the amount of disturbance that is happening at these sites is increasing as more people come to visit the area but also as things like four-wheel drives and all-terrain vehicles become more accessible."
She said there were significant health and safety concerns around the shared spaces.
"Volunteers can attest to having to run out of the way of vehicles because it's really hard, visibility-wise to see what's coming [on informal vehicle access ways]."
Sothieson said one of the biggest deterrents to people flouting the new bylaws when they first came in was the six-week period over Christmas and New Year when a security camera was operating.
"Since then, reduced actions have been taken and adherence to the bylaws has lessened as there is no visible consequence or deterrent for those who continue to use their vehicles at the site. There has been no successful tūturiwhatu breeding this year."
She recommended putting bollards at the access point as a physical deterrent, along with signs, as had been done at a similar site that fell within the Whakatāne district and continued joint efforts around advocacy and education as well as policing and enforcement of the bylaws.
"A lot of the offending does happen outside hours. It would be really good for the public to be able to ring someone at council to report breaches."
The council also heard from Upokorehe kaitiaki Gaylene Kohonui and Sandra Aramoana about the work their group had been doing around the eastern boundaries of the Ōhiwa Harbour.
"We come across so many barriers to doing the mahi out there. We're trying to deter people from driving on the mud flats, taking their dogs down on the mud flats and walking all over the bird sanctuary through education and korero, but it's not enough. We cannot police it 24/7. We desperately need awhi (assistance)," Kohonui said.
There had also been violence around the issue with kaitiaki assaulted, which caused safety concerns.
Mayor Lyn Riesterer said she understood what the groups were asking for.
"We will take things into consideration. We will see what we can do to work together on the problem," she said.
Councillor Louis Rapihana thanked everyone who was doing their part in protecting the resources and treasure of Ōhiwa, which he said had provided multitudes for generations with food sources. "It's sad to hear what is happening out there."
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