The Green Party wants to build a rapid public transport network in Christchurch that will include an airport bus route and rail links to nearby townships.
Christchurch intersection. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson
The Greens' transport spokesperson, Julie Anne Genter, said the proposed network would include an airport bus route to the city, and a northern rail line to Rangiora and a southern line to Rolleston.
The plan would cost $418 million.
"This will start to make an incredible difference and enable people to leave their cars at home and avoid congestion. We know this has worked well in Wellington and Christchurch. Where the investments have been made, people will use them and now it is Christchurch's turn," she said.
She said the party would also work with the council to build safe cycling infrastructure and develop a share scheme of around 300 bikes.
Ms Genter said National has neglected public transport in Christchurch since the earthquakes.