Week in Review for 16 November 2012
A review of the week's news, including... Problems continue with the new school payroll system Novopay, victims of a pedophile Far north teacher James Parker stared at him in court as a judge heard arguments about what sentence he will face, The Catholic Church in New Zealand says it can't find any record of Australian Bishops warning about a late pedophile priest sent here in the 80s, hundreds of millions of dollars still can't be accounted for, as fears grow that a Wellington - based investment firm was the front for a ponzi scheme, angry workers at Kiwirail's Hillside workshops in Dunedin are blaming the government for the loss of up to 90 jobs announced Thursday, the owners of the Wellington Phoenix, a consortium of local businessmen, have bought a stake in the Hurricanes rugby team, Thousands of New Zealanders took a break this week to watch the moon make it's way across the sun, and the most famous drummer in rock music is on the way back to New Zealand.