The Week In Review for week ending Fri Aug 31 2018
A review of the week's news including... the Transport Minister says he's planning to spend big on road safety, an inquiry forcing the Customs Minister to step aside centres on an allegation she manhandled her new press secretary, we visit a house described by the Housing Minister as a "third world swamp house", rental property managers are being accused of deceit, manipulation, and discrimination in a scathing new report, the brother of a Tauranga man who two years after his death was accused by his former wife of child sex abuse, has welcomed news a Police investigation will not progress at this time, debate over freedom of speech lights up with the upcoming visit of former US army intelligence analyst and whistle-blower Chelsea Manning, the chair of the Prime Minister's new business advisory council says he 'wouldn't be wasting my time with a talk fest', the Minister for Regional Economic Development says the Australian-owned banks are putting profits ahead of their responsibility to rural areas and he has something to say about the Waimea dam project being stopped, a law change to give the police stronger powers to tackle the makers and sellers of synthetic drugs could be on the cards, NZ Rugby's finances and New Zealand's top tertiary science students will now get the chance to be interns at NASA.