Navigation for Te Ahi Kaa
He hokinga mahara - 2016
Dr Mary McEwen released the biography of Jock McEwen this year at Orongomai Marae.
Hokimoana Hekerangi (left) and Liz Hunkin (right) were honoured at this years Te Waka Toi awards.
Mana Vaultier inspired a few young Māori students at the launch of Puhoro Science Academy.
Before NASA some of Mana's jobs included Mcdonalds worker, petrol attendant and Bus Driver.
Te Maakarini Temara says te reo māori is the very fibre of Kapahaka.
Te Kapa o Taiwhakaea at this years regional compeitions in Mataatua.
Trevor Maxwell says the guitar playing and strumming styles are influenced by the music of the day.
Surrey born Mark Bradley is the Tumuaki of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Nga Mokopuna, Seatoun Wellington.
Whati Te Wake, Jordon Harris, Shannon White and Stacey Kerapa.
Dr Wayne Ngata discussed his views about the whakatauki 'Kāore te kumara e kōrero mo tōna reka'.
Stacey Kerapa shares her story in the book Takatāpui: A Place of Standing.
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