Megan Dunn
Photo: Supplied
Author and art writer Megan Dunn joins Kim to share the work of Ōtepoti based artists Joe L'Estrange and Nick Austin.
Each has a unique style, but their work shares an eccentric, unashamed celebration of the domestic. L'Estrange paints portraits of her haughty cats, while Austin combines everyday items in puzzling new ways.
Joe L'Estrange Painter is at Dunedin's Hocken Gallery until 25th of February, while Nick Austin's survey exhibition Life Puzzle is on from 11 February until the end of April at Wellington's Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery.

Joe L'Estrange - Self-Portrait at Caversham, 2001-2002, acrylic on board: 570 x 750mm (PHOTO: supplied)

Joe L'Estrange - Jesus (of the Pterodactyls), 1993 - Collection of Brent Coutts and David Josland, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland (PHOTO: supplied)

Joe L'Estrange - Black Cat Walking 2008 (PHOTO: supplied)

Joe L’Estrange "Painter" exhibition installation view
Hocken Collections Uare Taoka o Hākena, Ōtepoti Dunedin, 5 November 2022 – 25 February 2023 (PHOTO: supplied)

Joe L’Estrange "Painter" exhibition installation view
Hocken Collections Uare Taoka o Hākena, Ōtepoti Dunedin, 5 November 2022 – 25 February 2023 (PHOTO: supplied)

Nick Austin, Panadol, 2007, bricks, mortar, pillow, 1900 x 1000 mm, Courtesy of the artist and Robert Heald Gallery, Wellington (PHOTO: supplied)

Nick Austin, Toothbrush Cycle, 2016, acrylic on aluminium composite board, four parts, 1020 x 1020 mm, University of Auckland Art Collection (PHOTO: Sam_Hartnett)

Nick Austin, Travelling Envelope #9, 2012, acrylic on newspaper, 575 x 785mm, Courtesy of the artist and Robert Heald Gallery, Wellington. (PHOTO: supplied)

Nick Austin - Aquarium with mug, 2009, acrylic on newspaper glass metal fittings, 57.5 x 78.5cm, private collection, Wellington (PHOTO: supplied)

Nick Austin - Coffee tables, 2012, mixed media, 148 x 120 x 85cm, Courtesy of the artist and Robert Heald Gallery (PHOTO: supplied)

Nick Austin's "Life Puzzle" exhibition - Whangarei Museum (PHOTO: supplied)