25 Apr 2015

Eugene Rogan : the Ottomans

From Saturday Morning, 8:35 am on 25 April 2015
Interrogation of Turkish prisoners Cape Helles 1915.

Interrogation of Turkish prisoners Cape Helles 1915. Photo: Public domain

The legacy of the first world war is still throughout the former Ottoman empire. Historian Eugene Rogan talks to Kim Hill about the impact of the Gallipoli campaign, Ottoman defeat and the post-war agreement on the region.

Eugene L. Rogan is Associate Professor of the Modern History of the Middle East and Fellow of St Antony's College at the University of Oxford. He is the author of the acclaimed 2009 book The Arabs: a History, and the new title The Fall of the Ottomans: the Great War in the Middle East (Basic Books, ISBN: 978-0-465-02307-3).

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