Photo: Supplied by iTraffic
Two leading employers of Māori and Pasifika tradespeople are concerned improvement made under Te Pukenga will be lost as the merger is unravelled.
While the Government is shifting back to standalone polytechs, it is also replacing the country's six Workforce Development Councils with Industry Training Boards.
The Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills Penny Simmonds told Nine to Noon last week she had met with many industry heads and while some liked the WDCs, others preferred the board model.
Two leading employers of Māori and Pacifica tradespeople say Waihanga Ara Rau - the Workforce Development Council for Construction and Infrastructure - has been a success.
They have been able to have more of a say as to how qualifications could better cater to their workers' needs.
Glen Ruma is one of the owners of iTraffic, a traffic management business employing hundreds of Māori staff across New Zealand.
Ronnie Rochel is director at Te Aratika Group - she says the Government is proposing a one-size-fits-all approach to vocational education.